"Can I?" The voice behind me startled me a little.
Thank God I mumbled as I pushed the baby towards him within looking.
I was greeted by Habeeb's self melting eyes.
"Not the baby the plate" he hesitated and collected the plate from my hand.

"Sorry She doesn't allow anyone to carry her except her mum. Not even the nannies. I'd upset her if I touch her"

I looked up and Habeeb was smiling.
"His perfect set of teeth. How many times does he brush.... did I talk about his jawline and the upcoming beard gang he's joining..
I was lost in his stare.
Say something stupid.

"The Senator has arrived" It was Ya Imran tapping Habeeb's shoulders.
Ya Amar out of no where grabbed the plate from his hand and started filling it with scrambled eggs and sausages.

I watched as Habeeb walked out of the restaurant.
What is wrong with my overprotective brothers.


The ride to the hotel was quite.
Occasionally I look at my phone to see the time. I needed to stretch my legs and lie down a bit.
We are going to be sharing the same Hotel with the Royals.
I smiled.
Why do I suddenly care.

At the hotel I collected the card to our suit and walked to the elavator. It was about to close when I signalled the person inside.

I saw her smile. Yes She saw me and smiled mischeviously lettimg the door close while I was rushing to it.
Damn this Royal Maid.

I had no idea why her smiles kept coming back to my thoughts when I was about to sleep.
Just one of the cutest things I've seen all day.
I kept thinking about her till midnight.
"What is wrong with you Habeeb. Why are you loosing sleep over a Maid." Those were my inner thoughts.
I stood up and prayed two raka'ats (number of Muslim prayer). I didn't know why I did that but I just prayed.

"Ya Allah, if something is meant for me, do not make me miss it and make it easier for me. And if it's not meant for me, Ya Allah make it farther away from me and make it easy for me to understand".

I felt okay after that. I slept like a Rock.

I was at the breakfast table listening attentively to Wazirin Hausa speak. He spoke about Education, Jobs and the economical status of our nation encouraging us as youths to work hard.

"Good Morning Princess" his sudden change of tone made me turn round to the direction of his face.
There she was standing like an Arabian Princess.
Who is this Damsel!
Then she smiled.
And right then the mystery behind The Lady by the corner and Royal Maid unfolded.

"Good morning Daddy"
& the sudden change in voice too.
Who is this girl and what has she done to my mind.

I smiled and sighed like I had won a lotto.
Flashbacks of her crying figure in pyjamas, and when she screamed at me when she thought I touched her and yesterday at the elavator.

"This will make a cute "How i met your Mother" love stories to tell Our kids"

Just then I remembered my prayers yesterday night.
I looked up and smiled.

"Shukran Ya Rabbi" (Thank you my Lord).

I watched as she was trying to make my baby niece laugh. She'd looked so adorable with a kid of her own. My kid of course.
I needed to make her mine.
Sharp guy like me.
I don't want to waste time.

I walked up to her as she walked to the buffet table.
It seems she was either trying to select something to eat or wondering how to serve whilst holding a baby.

"Can I help" I smiled

She just stood there and pushed the baby towards me.

"*no not the baby* I growled in my mind. *If I wanted to hold the baby I would have done so. I want to know what your favourite meal is. Something about you*....."

"Not the baby. She let's no one hold her. Just her mum and I don't want to upset her" I lied

"The Senator has arrived" a voice behind tapped me.
I turned and what seemed to be two protective guardian brothers were standing behind me giving me the "you don't try to mess with my sister" look.

& without a word I turned and exited to the reception to meet my father who was supposed to meet us here.

The Flight To Jeddah [#ProjectNigeria] COMPLETED ✔Where stories live. Discover now