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I sat in the passenger seat of his ice cream truck as we travelled down the dirt road. I looked behind me seeing the 3 bodies passed out in the back then looked at Sweet Tooth. I bite my lip as my heart beated a little faster

"Why do you care so much?" I asked looking back in front of me

Sweet tooth didn't look away from the road "Your special to me cupcake..."

A blush crept to my cheeks at his words, he turned down another dirt road and stopped at the dead end of it. Parking it in place he got out with his knife and walked around the car to my door sliding it open with ease and helping me hop out of it. I skipped along with him to the back of the car he swung the doors open and the 3 people were already stirring.

He pulled them out and forced them on there knees the girl, my ex cheated on me with, first in the row then my ex and his best friend, that encouraged him to do it, last. He pulled the black bags off there heads the girl letting out a shrill shriek. Sweet looked at her and laid a hardy slap across her face successfully shutting her up.

I glared at the man who had tore apart my heart the hatred inside me growing.

"This is your party cupcake so who's first?" Sweet asked running his blade over my ex's cheek

"Not him..." I spoke looking at the woman "Her." I told him

He smirked "With pleasure Cupcake~" and with that he laid the first blow to her skull spilling blood all over my ex as each blow was received harder and harder each time until Sweet stopped

He pulled away the blood all over his broad chest, I licked my lips not knowing how hot it looked until now.

"Now him?" He asked pointing the blade at my ex

I shook my head no like a child would and pointed to his friend. Sweet smirked and did the same to him as he did to the woman, he went to lay a deathly blow to my ex when I stopped him

"Wait! I want to do this..." I told him looking down feeling like I stepped out of bounds

Sweet looked down at me and with a smirked turned the knife around so the handle pointed twords me

"With pleasure babe"

I smiled brightly and took the blade turning around quickly and smirking at my ex

"You really fucked up you know that?" I said lifting the heavy blade and letting it land on his shoulder

He screamed out in pain "Now I have someone who truly understands my pain..." Another to his other shoulder

The blood poured onto me as I lifted the blade from his shoulder "And you know what? You should have never broke my heart" I hiss laying the final blow to his skull

I couldn't stop the pure hatred I had for him going into every single blow he took until I stopped and backed up now drenched in his blood. I dropped the blade beside me and let out a huff of air

"Fuck..." I heard behind me

Turning around I saw Sweet standing there absolutely astonished by what I could do. I put my hands behind my back and bit my lip swaying back and forth on my heels

"Did I do good?" I asked like a child

Without an answer he grabbed me and slammed me against the ice cream truck back door my hands pinned above my head

"You did more than good cupcake~" he told me lifting up his mask and pressing those soft lips to mine in a dominant kiss

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