Jealousy #2 Preference

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Norman Bates:

You sighed tapping the pen upon the opened log book in front of you. Today was an especially slow day and Norman was busy with cleaning the other rooms that he barley saw you. You glanced at the clock to see it was nearly noon and so you started to close the book when the front door bell jingled. You looked up to see a handsome man with a shoulder bag walk in

"Hey you got any rooms?" He asked politely

You nodded smiling at his handsome features, you started to explain the price and rules when Norman walked in. You smiled at Norman but he just looked slightly intimidated by the man in front of him

"Uh are you here for a room?" Norman asked walking behind you and placing his hand upon your hip

"Yes, and this pretty lady was helping me find one." The man said with a smile making you blush

Norman growled beneath his breathe "Well I'm sorry but we're booked for the month.."

You looked at him confused as he rushed the man out of the office "Norman!? What was that for?" You asked once the office door was shut

"He was hitting on my girl...I didn't want him to take you from me..." he mumbled losing that courage you saw moments ago

You giggled walking up to him and giving him a peck on the nose "Your to adorable.."


ou hummed as the heels of your shoes made there way down the grocery ally. Normal you would shop alone but today Bubba really wanted to go with, for some odd reason, and he gladly accompanied you to the small story near the house. You lost him when he decided to get something for you and now that's were you where alone in the freezer section with a man that seemed more redneck than you thought possible. He smirked at you as your eyes looked over the ingredients outside of a box

"Well hey there sugar, you got any plans tonight?" He asked

You rolled your eyes and continued reading,

"Come on baby." He said gripping your arm but in an instant Bubba grabbed his wrist pulling him up to eye level

You heard the man whimper and smiled to yourself once you heard his wrist snap like a twig. He screamed and writhed on the floor, you put the box back and walked off with Bubba giving him a peck on the cheek for the quick save....


ou didn't want to go to the party you were at but alas your best friend made you go. Tonight was supposed to be with you and your boyfriend but it seemed plans had changed. You sat on the sofa drinking soda out of a red solo cup feeling bored and tired when a very drunk and handsome jock sat next to you

"Hey Sweet chaeks~" he slurred

You groaned pushing his face further away from yours,

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