3rd Freddy Krueger X Chubby/Insecure Reader:Part 1

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You pouted as you looked into the full sized mirror. You weren't fat but you were curvy and a little chubby but despite that you didn't agree with what the mirror was showing you.

You let out a sigh looking at the digital clock to see 10:30

'Maybe Freddy will make me feel better...' you think to yourself a smile spreading across your face just at the thought of him

You fall asleep almost instantly and awake to that same old boiler room in your dreams. You looked around for Freddy seemingly not finding him any were up until you saw him with another girl that was one of those beach blonde barbie types. Your heart fell to the floor just seeing the way he treated her like she was the hottest thing on the planet well up until he sliced her throat with his blades but even then when she fell into his arms he decided to cop a feel.

Out of anger you stomp over to him

"Freddy!" You yelled

He instantly dropped the barbie doll and turned to you acting all innocent

"Well hey there princess~" he said with a smile

You just glared at him with your arms crossed

"Her pretty early aren't ya?"

"It's 10:45 krueger." You snapped turning away from him

He let out a groan of agitation

"Ah come on baby..." he walked up to you placing his hands on your shoulders but that made you more insecure

The fact he could even touch you made you feel like he was doing it solely out of sympathy. You slapped his hands away tears coming to your eyes

"You don't need a girl like me Freddy....im not good for you so I don't really care anymore...im done..."

Freddy was taken aback and was slightly afraid of losing you

"P-Princess come on you know she means nothing!" He said frantically as you started to walk back twords your bedroom door that you usually came out of when you arrived at the boiler room

You stopped whipping around to look at him showing the tears in your eyes

"STOP IT!" You shout successfully shutting his blabbering up "Just leave me alone Fred please..." You snapped opening your bedroom door and slamming it closed

You jolted awake dry tears on your cheeks realizing what had happened you curled up crying to yourself.

"He doesn't deserve me..." You mumble to yourself

Sorry for it bieng so sad I didn't mean for it to be XD but the other 2 will be happy and Freddy will make you feel better lol :3

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