Chucky X Reader: Part 2

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Over the days you became close with Charles, or now you know him as Chucky, even though he had just recently told you about his "serious" relationship with Tiffany neither of you cared and kept going with the deal you two had made. You weren't in a particularly good situation at the moment for the police had brought you in on suspicion you knew of what but you weren't gonna talk. With your arms crossed and one leg over the other you sighed as you were situated in a interrogation room, the door opened and a detective walked in.

"Hello there (Y/N)" he said settling down into a chair in front of you

you glare at him not saying one word, he sighed and opened a file, "Looks like you've got yourself in a mess," he splayed out the pictures of your dead victims in front of you "Victor Melonie, Chris Hennings, and Lewis Moore... they all met you at a bar the night they were murdered, didn't they?" he asked

You just glared at him again "Never heard of em," you told him looking away

yet another sigh left his lips "Look Mrs.(Y/N), i'm detective Mike Norris and i'm not here to talk about your case...we already have enough evidence to put you behind bars for life. " he explained

you looked at him confused "Then why haven't you?" you asked

Noriss put the pictures back in the file as he explained "I'm looking for Charles Rey and I know for a fact that you know were he's headed I will cut you a deal if you give him up to us," he explained

"What deal?" you asked him

"No prison but you have to spend 12 years in a psychiatric that's better than death row don't you think?" he asked

you sighed to yourself not denying the deal "Alright, he's making a robbery at 32 and elm..." you told him. You had guilt overwhelm usually had a hatred for men but the feeling Charles gave you was infinite you couldn't explain it..all you hoped for was that he could forgive you

20 Years Later

It had been rough for you these past years, giving up doing crime was the hardest part, but in the end everything started getting better. You met another man after what happened to Charles you had gotten married and had a son, your life started to turn for the better....or you thought it was. It was your son (Y/S/N) birthday this weekend and all your family and friends were over, he was opening his presents at this time when his aunt, your husbands sister, handed him a large box.

"What's that Carla?" you asked

Carla just smiled at you and said "Let (Y/S/N) open it and you will see,"

your son quickly opened the large box and when he saw what it was he let out an excited gasp "A Good Guy doll!" he shouted gripping the toy tightly as he ran to his aunt giving her a hug

you chuckled and told Carla "He's been wanting one of those for ages! he will love it!"

"Mommy can you open it for me?" your son asked you

you chuckled and obliged....

After the party had settled it was late at night you and your husband started picking up the place when you noticed your son dozing off to sleep. You smiled as you watched him nod off with his good guy doll in hand on the sofa your husband placed his hand on your shoulder and whispered to you

"Better get him off to bed, he's had a long day,"

You smiled at your husband and went over to your son, picking him up and traveling to his bedroom, you laid him gently onto the twin size bed and tucked him into it giving him one last kiss on his forehead before leaving. You walked out back to your husband helping him with the rest of the mess before you two headed off to bed. You slept soundly that night up until you heard something crash in your bedroom, you jolted awake and looked around the room to see nothing in the moonlight. You turn to your husband and try to shake him awake but when you tried to a thick liquid coated your hands, in a panic you switch your lamp on and nearly screamed at the sight of your dead husband lying next to you. You go to get out of bed but a sharp pain hits your abdomen so you lay on your back grabbing your side as you heard something crawl onto the bed, your eyes looked at it in disbelief

"What the..." you asked yourself as you watched the good guy doll crawl up you and sit on were you where just stabbed

"Well Well Well look who has the upper hand now~" the doll said

"This isn't real..." you mumbled as the doll chuckled

"Oh it can be....Darling~" and with that a sharp pain shot through you and darkness overwhelmed you

the last thing you thought was 'I didn't mean to Charles' as you slipped into total and complete silence....

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