2nd Freddy X Reader:Part 2 ?End?

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You kept on studying through the night almost every night so you would finish with your exams and everytime you slept you never had a dream about Freddy which was weird because you always dreamed of him. Must be the wager you two were keeping either that or he was mad at you but either way not having him in your dreams was relaxing for the time bieng

Once your final exams came and gone you were more than nervous mostly because you still weren't dreaming about Freddy. You sighed as you laid down on your bed in your dorm room,

'Maybe I'll see him tonight? Oh who am I kidding it's been at least 3 weeks' you thought to yourself as you drifted off to sleep

Your eyes opened to the boiler room once again and you couldn't express how happy you were. You ran down the corridors till you saw Freddy sitting in a room playing what seemed to be a video game. You walked to the door frame and leaned against it

"Well you done throwing your little hissy?" You asked him arms crossed

Freddy sighed placing the joystick down and glaring at you, he stood from the rolling chair and pinned you against the wall

"You know how hard it's been for me the past few weeks? Not flirting with any woman not being myself all because my little bitch is a tiny bit jealous?" He snapped

You looked at him with brows furrowed and a tiny bit of fear in your eyes

"You didn't have to Freddy I mean you could have just not had me for a month and stayed the same way," you commented

He let out a laugh "Oh sugar and give up having you for as long as I want!? You barley give me enough as it is with all your school work and shit, I'm not passing up that deal even if it kills me....well again," he told you

"Fine well I guess you win so have me as long as you want," you snapped looking away from him

Freddy groaned in agony "I can't ever get a break with you can I?!" He snapped

You glared at him "Excuse me?"

"All you do is bitch and complain about how your not treated like an angel well news flash darling your dating a demon looks like you won't be treated like a princess!!" He yelled

"Fuck you Freddy!! I don't wanna be treated like a princess of just want you to recognise me as your girlfriend not a fuck doll!!" You yelled at him with tears in your eyes

He sighed feeling bad about what he did to you, he pulled you close to him and let you cry into his sweater

"Look I guess I'm out of line sometimes and I guess I can treat you better..." he mumbled in a hushed tone

You looked up at him "Really?" You asked

Freddy looked away from you "Yeah.." he grumbled to himself

You hugged him again a lot tighter now but he wasn't gonna have that

"But for now darling you got a debt to settle," he said with a smirk as his lips attacked your neck

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