Pinhead X Masochist!Reader:Part 1

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Nobody ever knew your secret and frankly you loved it that way. You grew up in a heavy religious household that kept strict rules on how you had to be and so you ran with it not wanting to upset your parents. You grew close to your grandma who was much lenient on the rules your parents made up for you, there only child.

You loved going to your grandma's and spending time with her she always understood you but still there was a wall there that prevented you from telling her who you truly were....

You sat in the church pews hearing the funeral music pale softly in the background. Your grandma laid in the coffin just in front of you, you had no idea she would pass so early buy when she did it destroyed you. After you had paid respects your family went to the family lawyer to listen to the last will and testimony.

You sat with your parents listening to it when your name popped up

"And to my dearest (Y/N), I give to you my home and estate when you turn 18...and also this." The lawyer handed you a box with a letter before continuing.

You studied the box intently feeling drawn to it for some odd reason, your gaze veered from the box to the letter and in an instant you peeled it open

'My sweet sweet (Y/N), I have given you the things truly loved by me in life. I want you to know that I have always loved you like my own and always treated you fairly...

I give you my estate so you can live a prosperous life when you become an adult. One you can cherish in a lavish home...

And I give you this's much more than a puzzle box and should be taken care of kindly...just as my estate you must never open this until you are 18 years of age...

I love you my sweet angel

Love your grandmama'

You laid down the letter and grabbed the box feeling confused by why your grandmother left you this and why she wanted you to wait 2 weeks to open it....

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