Norman Bates X Reader: Part 1

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You had been working for your long time friend Norman Bates for about 3 months now. When you started this job you weren't so sure pursuing it would be the best option but at the time it was either this place or go back to your abusive boyfriend. Norman let you stay rent free with him in the large house right next to the motel and gave you a pretty good salary for your necessities.

You were folding up a freshly cleaned sheet from the dryer when a knocking alerted you to a presence. You turned to see Norman with a large smile on his face

"Uh (Y/N/N)..." he always called you by your nickname when the days were slow "I-I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out and have dinner tonight..with me of course," he stuttered looking very timid

A bright smile crossed your features, for a long time you had a crush on Norman but thought he didn't return the same feeling but today it was different.

"Yes!... I mean yeah sure wh-whatever," you tried to play it cool but failed miserably

A soft sigh left Normans lips at your answer "Great," he said leaving you with one last smile

You turned back to the dryer still holding the warm sheet in your iron clad grip. Your smile never faded as excitement overflowed in your chest you even gave a small fist bump in victory.

Later That Night
You admired yourself in the fullength mirror smoothing down the (Y/F/C) scoop neck 50's style dress. Your matching flats padded down the stairs, you instantly noticed Norman in a dark brown blazer and matching slacks with a light collar shirt underneath the blazer. A smile spread across your red lips at just the sight of his handsome features and the look he gave you was utter shock and adoration

"W-Wow you look beautiful," he said gripping your hands in his

"Thank you Norman, and may I say you look very handsome yourself," you told him making his smile widen if that was possible

"Thank you.." his gaze went to the grandfather clock behind you and his whole expression turned to panic "Oh we better go I made reservations at 8,"

You turned to the clock seeing it was 7:40 PM you smiled at him and Norman escorted you to his car.

The restaurant was fancy, well as fancy can be for the small town you 2 leaved near. The night went perfect you two talked about stuff you never imagined to talk about, finishing up a silent laughter Norman gently placed his hand upon yours in a loving embrace

"(Y/N) can I tell you something?" He asked

You were slightly scared and a tad bit confused "Anything Norman," you answered

You saw him let out a timid sigh and let down a gulp in his throat "Ever sense you started working at the hotel I couldn't help but feel so happy...not that a friend was working with me but because I had started to really like you...and I would love it if you would like to go on another date with me sometime," he confessed

You were utterly shocked at his words but the happiness overflowed none the less, you turn your hand around and gripped Normans tightly

"Yes I would love that Norman,"

He could hardly contain how happy you made him feel....

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