Leatherface X Reader:Part 3 !End!

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You sat on Bubba's lap in the bubble bath, you laid your head against his chest as you messed with the bubbles.

"What do you wanna name the baby?" You asked Bubba

Your hands moved over Bubba's which were rested on your already full belly. It had been nearly 8 months already and you nor Bubba have even brought up the question. Bubba made a grunting noise and shrugged his shoulders as his hands caressed your belly

"Hmmm...well if it's a boy you wanna name him, Thomas?" You asked

Bubba made a nuhu noise and you made a small huff

"How bout Daryl?" Another no





You sighed letting your shoulders drop "Well alright how about we skip the boys names and go onto the girls?" You asked and Bubba agreed

"Stephanie?" You asked


"Mary Sue?"


You pondered for a bit then got it "Aha!! I got it!! How about Babi?" You asked looking back at your soon to be husband

He looked down at you and shook his head yes, you smiled and let out a little victory noise. You let out a relaxing sigh as you let your back lay against Bubba's chest his hands moving up to massage your shoulders

You admire the ring he gave and smiled "I love you Bubba," you told him

"Love....you...too," he managed to get out

The next few weeks were rough on you manly because you have been on your own. There had been at least 3 groups of teenagers that the family had captured and all that time Bubba had been to busy for you. You sigh as you travel down the steps and into the kitchen

"Hey uh Tex have you seen Bubba?" You asked the second youngest brother

Tex shrugged and said " I think he went chasing after that one broad,"

You sigh and travel to the fridge but right when you were about to open it you felt something wet between your legs.

"Uh Tex," you said panicked

"Yeah (Y/N)?" He answered back

"Please tell me you know how to deliver a baby cause my water just broke," you told him

Tex's eyes grew to be as big as saucers when he looked at you

"Uh come on let's get you into the living room and I'll get mama," he said helping you to the living room

You laid on the large sofa in pain just hoping Bubba would make it back in time. Not a moment later tex ran in with mama she helped sooth you and give Tex some directions on how to deliver your baby

Bubba trudged up the stairs feeling exhausted as he walked in the door the first thing he heard was you screaming from the living room. His eyes grew wide and he ran to were you where, you saw him and your face lit up into a smile

"Bubba!!" You shouted

He ran to your side and grabbed your hand, you squeezed his as tight as you could making another push

"Alright (Y/N) 1...2...3 and push," Tex told you

You did just as he said letting out a scream that was shrouded by a baby's crying.

"It's a girl," Tex said with a smile as he cleaned up the baby

You held your arms out as Tex handed her to you, looking at your baby you could see how much she looked like Bubba.

"Looks like we got our Babi, Bubba," you told Bubba

Bubba looked at his little girl letting her wrap her tiny hand around his large finger, the baby yawned opening her eyes to the both of you and at that moment you knew you were happy as ever....
OK now I know I said this was the end but if you guys want a special wedding day short story on here then I will make one :) just request it and it will be done

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