Rabit Hole

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In side my mind I am falling down what seems an infinite hole I see clocks books and chairs floating by me then hear a voice in my head "Rose Hearts daughter of the Queen of Hearts in love with a half demon the son of her mothers worst enemy" I see a man sitting on a floating throne he has a custom similar to that of Rascal's the one thing is his eyes are so dark it's a pit of infinite darkness "you must be curious about who I am don't worry I know very well who you are Rose of Hearts you and your mother know my name very well and don't worry we will meet again mean while you must be getting back to the real world now good bye Rose Hearts until we meet again" I wake up with a massive headache Rascal helps me up.

"Rose are you okay that's the second time today that you fainted"
Rascal said

"Where are we" I asked

"We are on the other side of the rabbit hole" Jack said

"You fainted agin" Cloe said

"Really I said I don't remember fainting" I say

"Really cause you were out cold"
Lawrence said

"Where is the jewel" I ask

Cheshire points up "up there" she said

"Wow another day floating building
Just my luck" I say

"Oh come on cuz I won't be that bad"
Cloe said

"But how are we going to get up there"
Lawrence asked

I think in my head which still hurts I think so if the hearts were protecting the jewel the how would a hearts get up. Of course Rose they would use there power to summon vines.

"Simple we just ride to the top"
I say

"What" says Cheshire

I use my vine to try to get everyone up to the tower while I stay on the ground until there up there. It's truly exhausting and think I might faint agin
No Rose pull yourself together you aren't going to faint again and go into that awful room again. Rascal says Nogo is dead but I don't think the King of demons would die so easily. I bearly make it to the tower I step on to the tower and collapse but don't faint or close my eyes I get back up and keep walking. We open the door to see a maze Rascal and Cheshire try to teleport to the other side but they can't none of us can use are powers so we walk into the maze and the bushes close behind us were trapped inside the maze we keep walking till we find the middle of the maze

"How dose a tower have a maze" Lawrence said panting

"How can flowers talk" I say

"Good point" he says

We keep walking what seems like forever. I look over my shoulder to see that Lawrence and Cloe have disappeared in the maze. We find the exit.

"Cloe and Lawrence are gone"
I say

"We needed to keep moving they can take care of themselves" Jack says
I nod we keep walking once we exit the maze we come across tiles with different symbols on them there are small holes. Rascal trows a card on one of the tiles and darts wiz by.

" this might seem crazy but I think we have to walk on the celling" Jack says

"Well that's pretty normal for you "
I say

"The only problem is Cheshire is afraid of heights" Jack said

"Am not" Cheshire said like a little kid

"Ok then walk on up here" Jack said

Cheshire took a few steps the jumped down her hair on end.

"Ya we can tell your so not afraid of heights" Jack said

"Come on guys we got to get going"
I say

"I will stay behind with scaredy cat here" Jack said

"Hey I resent that comment"
Cheshire said

"Come on Rascal we have to keep going we're almost to the top"
I say

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