Dangerous Game

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The six of us seemingly glide down the stairs gracefully. And on to the dance floor Jack asks Cheshire to dance she looks as if she wants to say no but she can't. Lawrence and Cloe are dancing and twirling around as guest move out of there way. Then I notice everyone looking me Rascal. I start to tense up.

"Are you ok" Rascal whispers

"I am" I say a bit unsure

"Shall we dance" he ask
I nod my head and smile whispers spread through the crowd like a wild  fire I look over my shoulder just once to see my mother I smirk at her and mouth off with your head and for a second I think I see a flash of fear in her eyes. But that thought soon disappears. As me and Rascal are dancing I koi at him straight in eyes or at lest where eyes are suppose to be his are hidden be hind a white half mask. I smile only to realize something I found
(The one) some thing inside me awakes and I feel different in some way. Wait why did Rascal lie about this identity.

"So how are we going to get out this one" i ask

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve"
He said

"There's some thing we need to find some thing I should have rolled you about" I say

"What is it" he said looking both curious and worried at the same time

I lean close to him "we have to find the jewel" I whisper in his ear so that only he can hear. His eyes open wide then he nods. That's when the other couples join the floor every one seems to be enjoying them selfs except for Cheshire Jack the queen of hearts and prince Nottingham. He is so close I could grab my sword and cut off his head. And when he is in ear shot I say to Rascal.

"You know we aren't boy friend and girlfriend" I say

"We we aren't" he said

"That was Ace not Rascal and frankly I rather date you than Ace" this makes him smile

"By the way you never tolled me why you lied to me in the first place"
I ask

"That a story I will have to tell you later" he said look a bit worried

We dance until until it's almost midnight one of the most magical times. Midnight is a time for true love or evil. My mother all ways warned me about midnight. She tolled me stories of monsters and nightmares and heart brake. But what I read in fairy tales is that at midnight the villain is defeated and true love prevails. Only two weeks have past but I am not the same me I can dream of a happy future or a happy ending I think I am beginning to believe in fair tales.

If I were just me and Rascal I would just sit down and rest my head on his shoulder and ever thing would be ok. But it's not my mother is hunting for a jewel that will destroy my dreams, my life and my love. If she get the jewel I will no longer have a will of my own and every thing I have fought for will be gone. Future would be black as ink on a page and darker than midnight.

The banquet a huge table that I can barely see the end of. I feel my mothers eyes boring into my soul. I try not to worry. Rascal's life and my future count on us getting out here and if I know my mother she has the place surrounded and Nottingham will try to kill Rascal the second the ball is over. since he has no sword he will most likely use his power to launch orbs of pure power at him. the ball will end at one minuet after midnight there's only eleven minuets until midnight. Before the banquet some one tries to make a toast. It's prince Nottingham.

"Attention everyone"he says trying to sound like Rascal " I would like to make a toast to me and my soon to be bride"

I stand up
"I have announcement as well I am canceling the wedding... and the marriage" my mother looks even angrier than before everyone is paralyzed wide eyed and dumfounded.

The queen of spades is clapping and smiling "oh goody a show... Oh wait is this a bad time to clap" she said
My mother gives her a look she stops smiling and looks down at her feet

It's six till midnight and everyone leaves the banquet hall and go back to the ball room for more dancing.

This will be last dance of the evening and its for royals only . I ready to summon a wall of thorns should I need them my mothers doesn't know I can do it so she will be in for a surprise a very big one.

Me Cloe and Cheshire go to the bath room to discuss a plan

"Ok girls here's the plan" I say

"Do we have to fallow a plan" Cheshire said

"Yes we have to fallow a plan" Cloe says

"Well if the plan fails then I say we wing it" she said

"Ok if the plan fails we free style it"
I say

"So what's the plan" Cloe says

"Hey who made her in charge"
Cheshire said

"We don't have time for this"
I say

"Ok ok I geez miss bossy pants you sound just like your mom"
Cheshire says. I give her a stern look

"prince Nottingham will be the first to act then the guards so if I can I will try to summon a wall of thorns to block them" I say "Cloe I know you can defiantly block your brothers attack
So I will need you ready" " Cheshire you can teleport so you can confuse the guards"

"Ooo that sounds like fun"
Cheshire said

"The boy already have there own plan so we will let them take care of that"
I said

"I like a man with plan"
Cloe said

"We don't have time to stare at guys now come on we have to go"
I say

We walk out the bath room doors the boys are waiting for us neer by.
We all head back to the dance floor as we dance are dress twirl around us as if we were floating mid air. I am so distracted trying to remember all the steps that I only catch a glimpse of the clock I ready my self. Then all the spinning beings I feel dizzy and a bit off I attempt to shake off the dizziness but fail. The room is quite I see guest starting to leave the ball room I see fear ripple through the crowd as the clock chimes twelve times a shiver runs through me. My mothers warnings echo through my mind.

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