A Wild Card

63 3 0

I take the card from the corner of the mirror. And laid down on my bed turning the card in my hands. All I could think about is the joker is still here he must have watched everything.
My head is ringing with words the joker is here... The joker is here .... I slowly drift to sleep. Only to awake in my dreams where i am in a completely dark room. I look around only to hear the sound of the jester laughing and I echoing through the room I look around I seems like the voice is coming from all directions. Then it stop I look down in my hands and there's the jester card I found in the corner of the mirror my hands start to shake. I look at the joker on this card and look the same as the boy I saw at the night of the ball. I threw the card into the darkness. I could not see the card any more but I began to see a figure imerge from the shadows the jester ...

Then I woke with a shock Ace was standing in my door way his looked concerned.

"Rose are you ok"
Ace ask

"Just had a nightmare that's all"
I look down and in my hands is the joker card. But it's different it now has picture of the boy from the ball. I hide the card behind my back.

"Ace about what is said earlier..."

"It's all right Rose"
He said cutting me off

"Well I better get some rest and we will find out what tomorrows torrtcher"
I say anxiously

"Well ok Rose I am just a few doors down if you need me"
He said with a bit of smile

I almost hate that smile but instead it make me only more in love.

"Thank you Ace"
I say In a nice tone

"Good night Rose"
He said. Then walked to his room

"Good night Ace"
The words trail after him

Then my thoughts went back to the joker I know he is and I am going to find him I am not going back to that room of darkness ...the jester is here....

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