Forgoten Past And More Secrets

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"By golly what is a Hearts doing in wonder land" he said then another fit of coughing started up

Cloe said "mr caterpillar I have a concoction that could help you if you would like some"

"Dear girl that would be lovely but I am afraid that nothing can help me but it can hurt" he said
He took the small vial in his hands "thank you dear Rose is it "

"No sir my name is Cloe clubs"
She said

"My Jack did you bring all the Royal children to see me"

"No sir all are here except for prince Nottingham" he said

"Oh no one needs that bad seed" he said he popped open the vial and drank the elixir

"I don't feel different he said" but this time when he spoke his voice wasn't raspy "but I sound different and voice isn't filled with gunk" he said

"No where were we ah yes the jewel there is a cave beneath the old hearts castle the last queen that lived there was in such a rush she forgot about her families most valuable hair loom a magic jewel that could grant wishes the cave is called the forgotten after the forgotten castle no one except the queen knows why the castle is abandoned"

"Thank you so much sir" Rascal said

"Oh no problem now didn't you say you were in a rush" he said with a smile

"That's right we got to go" Jack said

"Bye mr caterpillar" he said heading back the way we came

"Wrong way Jack my boy" the caterpillar said

We were out in no time Jack seemed to know every inch of this place. Even when it was pitch black out aside Jack knew where we were going he lead us to a huge old tree the size of a house there was a small hole large enough for us to get in Lawrence set Cloe down and one at a time we all crawled in I am pretty shure this was Jacks old hang out cause there was a small oil lamp . He turned it on and light flooded the room it was so cool.

"Welcome to my club house. This is where me and Cheshire played as kids"
Jack said

"B.R." Cheshire said

"What's that" I say

"Before responsibility" Cheshire said
Looking a bit sour

Also most instantly we all crashed we were all tiered after an eventful night every one was out except for me and Rascal I ripped another pice of my dress to help tend to the wound that Rascal sustained. He grimaced in pain as I tended to his wound. He knew what i was thinking.

"I tell you when we're alone" he said wincing as I cleaned up the wound by the time I was done he was fast asleep.
I just can't help but smile I am wild about that boy I am out fast asleep when I have another dream in my dream I am screaming bloody murder the ground is glistening Crimson I see a crown bathed in blood I just keep screaming and crying no matter who hard I try worst of all I feel as if I have no control over my body I bend down not of my own free will and pick up the bloody crown and place it on my head.
There blood every where the wall become blood and I hear voices calling my name. Blood is dripping down my face from the crown. I wake with a scream everyone jumps awake "are you ok" Cloe asked

"Sorry everyone I just had another nightmare" I say

"Do they happen often" Lawrence asked

"Not very but if I do have them there scary" I say

"What was this one about"
Rascal asked

"I was in a room screaming blooded murder I could not stop the floor walls and celling were made of blood I had no control over my own body and there was a crown covered in blood and with my own two hands picked it up and placed it on my head and blood was getting on my face"
I say with a bit of a shaken voice

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