Forward Motion

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"Ace" I say as I run over to his cell

"Rose " he said

Oh my hearts are you ok did they hurt you.

"Relax Rose I am fine, it's just when they tried to drag me down here my suit caught on somethings"
I shigh a shigh of relief.

"Oh thank hearts your ok"

"And he will stay safe as long as you don't intervene with the plan"
My mother says

"Wait have you even told him what's going on" I ask

"Wait what's going on what have I not been told Rose" he said his voice had rising anger in it

"Oh dear prince Ace didn't you hear about the royal weeding " prince Nottingham taunts Ace

"What Royal wedding?!?"Ace says with anger and rage thickening the air around him

"Why the wedding of prince Nottingham and Rose of course

"What no that can't be tell me it's not true Rose please tell me it's not true"
I almost cry at the sound of his pleading  

"It's true Ace, they said the would hurt you if I intervened and if they hurt you I  could never live with my self"
My eyes begin to fill with tears

"Rose you don't have to worry about me I can take care of my self" he says
Looking at prince Nottingham and the queen. There's a scowl on his face when he looks at them.

"That's the thing Ace I can't stop worrying about you and I can't stop thinking about. Your all I want"
I say as a tear rolls down my face and makes a puddle on the ground

"Well this has been absolutely touching and all but I am a afraid we have a wedding to plan. Good night prince Ace I hope you enjoy your stay cause you won't be leaving ever" prince Nottingham said Wichita was soon fallowed by a trail of laughter

"You won't get away with this!!!!" Ace said as us forced to leave the room

I want to scream out his name but somethings tells me not to. Two more tears fall down my face. The saddest tears i ever will shed. Tears of true love as I am take away from Ace... 

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