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I pull out my draggers and hide them behind my back and ducked behind a bookcase just as door opened. I readied to stab the intruder. When a hand grabbed my wrist with the knife in it and covered my mouth to keep me from screaming.

That's when a familiar voice said
"Rose it's just me"

It's just Ace I relax and he uncovered my mouth.

"Oh thank hearts I dint stab you"
I said over all relieved

"I figured you would have some sort of a plan if someone came " he said with a smirk

"Oh wow how many princess have you ran off with" I say sarcastically

"Oh just one"
He said

"How long are we going to stay here"
I ask

"Just for the night hopefully"
He sounded worried

"Why can't we stay here forever"
I ask. Then I realized how stupid that sounded

"Because the queen will be after you and she will send the guards and they will turn this village upside down to find you"  he looked more worried with every word

"They won't find me or you. They won't find us I will do whatever it take for us to be together" I say. "By the way Ace you never told me how you escaped the cell?"

"Well I knocked out one of the guards and and they had a key so I used that key to unlock my cell then I found a passage to the ball room" he said

If I know my mom and I do. She would never leave a key with the guards. Especially if it was the only thing that she could use to get her way. And I know my mom is ignorant but not that ignorant plus theres no passage in that prison. But why was he in the ball room.

"I hope you like picks in old libraries Ace. I causes I brought a basket of food and a blanket"

The Jester PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now