now - chapter thirty-four

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Getting ready in the morning felt like sleep walking. I was going through all the motions, but it wasn't really me. My mind was far away in a hospital in New York with my father.

I walked down the stairs wearing a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt that probably belonged to Luke, no makeup on and my hair in a messy bun. As soon as my mother saw me, she put down the toast she was buttering and wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

"Aw, honey, there's no way I can let you go to school like this," she said as she rubbed my back comfortingly.

I groaned. "But then I'll just sit at home and wonder about what he's doing and..." I railed off.

My mother pulled away and smiled. "Well, you could always stay home and ask him how you're doing yourself."

I looked up at her shocked. "You mean...?"

She nodded her head with a huge grin. "Yes, I got a message this morning that we can call him in a couple hours." I squealed and wrapped my arms around my mother tightly. "You might want to text Luke and let him know you won't be at school. We'll go over to their house tomorrow and talk to them both."

While she finished making breakfast, I sent a few quick texts to Luke.

Hey, what's up?

Sore from paintballing yesterday, man those things hurt. You okay, hurting too much?

Not too bad, but I have something to tell you

Time seemed to stretch on as we waited for the call from New York. We were both sat on the couch in front of the TV, but I don't think either of us were paying attention to what was on. It was on commercial break and I couldn't actually remember what show was on.

After what felt like forever, the phone finally rang, my mother and I both startling. She jumped off the couch and practically sprinted to the phone, but I couldn't blame her. I was just as excited to hear my dad's voice as she was.

"Hello?" She said as she clicked on the phone. "Yes, this is her." She seemed to listen to the person on the other end before looking up at me. "Yes, thank you."

Walking back over to the couch, she sat down next to me and turned the phone onto speaker, placing it on her leg that was shaking in anticipation. The line was silent for a moment before there was some slight rustling.


My mother burst into a sob and I had to try hard not to do the same. "D-Dad?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"Cassie, baby girl, is that you?"

"Oh my god, Dad," I said, my hand moving over my mouth to hold in the sob that was threatening to come out. "You're okay, Dad. I love you."

"I love you too, Cassie. So much. Is your mother there?" His voice was a little raspy over the phone, but otherwise, it was just as I remembered.

"Yes, she's here. I think she's a little shocked but she's here."

"I love you, Melissa. I miss you so much, baby."

My mother sniffed and held in her sobs. "I love you too, Mark. God, I miss you."

"How's school, Cassie?"

I let out a laugh at that. "Dad, we haven't talked to you in forever and you wanna ask me how school is?"

"You better still be getting straight A's."

I smiled. "Of course, Dad."

The three of us talked for a few minutes before my father cleared his throat. "Cassie, it's been amazing talking to you again, but could you let me talk to your mother for a bit? Alone?"

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