Arielle (OPEN)

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Name: "Arielle," she smiled

Age: "17."

Gender: she rolled her eyes. "Do you not see my boobs?"

Likes: "Flowers, going places, the beach...." She lightly blushed

Dislikes: "Um... Spiders... And heights..."

Personality: "Friendly, easy to get along with, smart, tough..."

Other: "Well... I don't really care for my step-dad..."

Story Beginning:
You sighed, looking around. You just arrived at Africa for 'family bonding'. Spending a whole week with your step-mom you didn't really like didn't sound all that fun.
You, your dad, and step-mom sat at a table. Soon, another couple came and joined you at the table with Arielle.
Arielle lightly smiled at you as she took a seat.

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