Jaime (OPEN)

276 1 705

Name: "Jaime," she shrugged

Age: "19."

Gender: "Female, if it's not too obvious."

Species: "Human."

Likes: "Building things, robotics, the library, math." She shrugged

Dislikes: "English."

Personality: "Smart. Clever. Smart-aleck at times. Don't really talk to people..."

Other: she lightly smiled as a little girl ran over to her. "Mommy!" The little girl giggled and hugged Jaime

Story Beginning:
Option A)
You were in the library, bored out of your mind. You looked around and spotted Jaime.
She was silently scribbling in a notebook, a big math book open in front of her. She had earbuds in, and a phone rested on the table. The earbuds were plugged into it.

Option B)
You were walking around your town when a door to a shop opened. Jaime and a little girl stepped out of it.
Your eyes widened at Jaime. You two used to date, until there was a huge falling-out between the two of you. In short, you haven't seen her in a few years
She looked over and spotted you.

What Destiny Intended (RP!!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ