Ivan (OPEN)

219 1 543

Name: "Ivan," he smirked

Age: "I'm 20."

Gender: "Male."

Species: "Human."

Likes: "when plans go right, and when I win. And Doritos."

Dislikes: "When my plans go wrong."

Personality: "Smart, clever, secretive."

Other: "I'm a spy," he smirked more

Story Beginning:
You woke up, and was met with darkness. Your eyes slowly adjusted to make out a small room.
You tried sitting up, but your writs and legs were somehow restrained to the table you were on.
"Ah, I'm glad you're awake."
You looked over to see a man in his early twenties, smirking at you. "I am Ivan."
You know you heard that name before... You once overheard your dad talking about a man named Ivan, and how he  and your father were at war with each other.

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