Faye (OPEN)

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Name: "Faye, or Project Mischief."

Age: "Why does it matter?"

Gender: "Female, idiot..."

Species: "Human?"

Likes: she shrugged

Dislikes: "Uh... I'm not sure..."

Personality: she shrugged again
(You'll find out. She's like a robot, so she doesn't really have a personality)

Other: "I also work as an assassin."

Story Beginning:
You were walking down a dark road. Your town has been beaten to rubble and have been taken over by robot-like humans.
You stopped when you heard the rustle of the bush. It soon stopped, and you turned to the bush. You silently started towards it, only to be tackled and pinned by a girl with white hair. She held a pistol to your neck.

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