Josie (OPEN)

56 0 231

Name: "Josie," she smiled

Age: "16."

Gender: "female."

Likes: "Um... Reading, movies, and being outside."

Dislikes: "Not too much honestly..."

Personality: "Weird, but I'm always bright and funny."

Other: "Um... Nope!"

Story Beginning:
"Josie... Are you sure about this?" You asked, watching your friend step on the frozen lake. "I mean... It hasn't been frozen long... Shouldn't we wait?"
"I'm gonna be fine, trust me."
You sighed, but nodded, agreeing with her. "Alright... But the second you hear a crack-"
"I'll be ok," she lightly laughed, going further out on the ice.
You nodded, and stayed at the shore, not wanting to risk putting too much weight on the ice.
Then, time seemed to slow. Cracks formed on the ice, and led to Josie's feet.
Your eyes widened as more and more cracks formed. Josie stopped, frozen in her tracks.

What Destiny Intended (RP!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt