The Secritive Swimmer (TAKEN)

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Name: "I'm Noah."

Age: Noah shrugs slightly. "Does it matter?"

Gender: "Last I checked, I didn't have boobs."

Likes: He shrugs again. "Water," he says simply

Dislikes: "Dunno," he mumbled

Personality: he shrugs and says nothing. (Noah is a really good swimmer. As a matter of fact, he's the best in the state, and possibly the country. Maybe even the world.
Noah is kinda mysterious and keeps to himself. But, when it comes to people he knows, he likes to tease them or sometimes poke fun at them. He also doesn't talk much to strangers either.)

Species: "Human."

Other: he shrugs again and runs a hand through his hair. "I feel like I'm being interrogated....." (Noah was adopted at a very young age. He also randomly disappears from anything at any time. Kids always spread rumors about where he might be at that time."

Story Beginning:
You're walking home, alone, in the dark, in a city full of bad guys.
And to top it off, you were in an alley.
You're attempting at tucking a fresh hundred-dollar bill you just got into your bag when you hear footsteps behind you.
You look behind you and see a few men. They all look sketchy.
"Give it," one of them say.
"What?" You choke out.
They point at the bill. You realized you froze and now it was in plain sight.
"Or we'll have to force it from you," the same man says as he cracks his knuckles. The men corner you against a wall, when suddenly, they get beat up by someone.
Half of them run before they get hit.
You look at your savior and see a guy wearing a black spandex shirt with a silver M and a moon, black spandex pants, black combat boots, long silvery black gloves, and a silver mask that made his eyes seem like two black orbs. You recognize him as one of the supers of your city.
The dark, the mysterious, Midnight.
"Umm... thanks..." you say.
He took the money from you and pocketed it. "I still have to be a villain," he said. You realize his voice is really deep.
You stare at him, speechless.
"You might want to close your mouth," he said. "Don't wanna catch flies."
You instantly snap your mouth shut.
He then nodded to you and flew up and out of sight.

~The next Day~

"(Your character's name)."
You blink and snapped back into reality and see Noah looking at you.
"Yea?" you slightly blush.
"It's your turn," he gestured to the swim lane you were both practicing in for swim practice.
"Oh!" you blush more.
"What's up? you're usually pretty focused..."

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