Hungar Games Hottie (TAKEN)

108 3 38

Name: "Sean."

Age: "I'm 15. You?"

Gender: "I'll let you guess."

Likes: "The water."

Dislikes: "Fire."

Personality: "I don't even know."

Species: "Human, obviously."

Other: "Im from District 4."

Story Beginning:
You look around the landscape you've been in for a few days.
There's a twig that snapped behind you and you jump and turn to see nothing.
You keep looking around, waiting for another sound that never comes.
Suddenly, Sean is bolting towards you.
"Run!" he yells as he gets near. You don't move.
"Run!" he yelled and again and shoves you in front of him. You start running.
You hear the sizzling of fire and look back to see the forest on fire.
There's a sound of a whizzing arrow before Sean hit the ground with an arrow in his thigh.

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