The Popular Photographer (TAKEN)

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Name: "I'm Charlie." Charlie smiled and fiddled with his camera

Age: "I'm 18."

Gender: "Male. Unless females are boob-less."

Likes: "My camera." He held it up and snapped a picture of you. "And photography."

Dislikes: "When my pictures don't turn out right." He looked at the picture and smiled before showing you a professional-looking picture

Personality: "Bright, sunny, friendly.... I'd consider myself popular."

Story Beginning:
You're walking through the halls of your school with your friends. You have your books in your hands and Charlie comes up to you white his camera.
"Hey," he smiled warmly and held up his camera. "Mind if I get a few shots for the yearbook?"
"Sure!" one of your friends giggled. You noticed they all have a dreamy look as they posed.
You joined them and Charlie snapped a few pictures.
"Thanks ladies," he smiled.
Your friends giggled.
"You're welcome," one said.
He smiled and looked at you before winking at you and walking away.

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