The Sick Boy (TAKEN)

500 5 773

Taken by: @Bloo-Bird

Name: "I'm Jake."
Age: "I'm 17, but will soon be 18."
Gender: "I'm a male, obviously."
Species: "Uhh.....human."
Other: ".........."
Short Bio: "Right, so I'm Jake, and I'm a 17 year old dude. I love football and my little brother more than anything. Uhh...... some people say that I'm kinda protective, but I guess I agree."
Story Beginning:
You're walking through school when you bump into something and fall to the ground. You look up and see the person whom everyone always talks about and adores.
"Sorry," Jake apologized. He puts out his hand and you take it. He pulled you onto your feet.
"Aren't you in my history class?" Jake asked, and you nod before walking off.
The next day in history, the teacher announces a group project. She pairs up everyone, and lo and behold, you're paired with Jake. He smiles and hands you a paper with his number and address.
"Come over to work on the project later," he said and walked out.

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