Avery (OPEN)

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Name: "A-Avery..."

Age: "18..."

Gender: "M-male..."

Species: "H-human..."

Likes: "N-nature... Being o-outside... And c-cats..."

Dislikes: "P-people... And s-scary things... And L-loud noises..."

Personality: "U-usually nervous... Often p-paranoid... S-shy... E-easy to s-scare... B-but sweet..."

Other: "N-no..."

Story Beginning:
"Alright (your character's name), it's time that you finally earn your wings."
You smile widely at Gerald, who gave new Angels their wings.
"Your last assignment is to help this boy," he handed you a magical sphere with a picture of Avery, "have a better life."
You look at the picture. For some odd reason, you feel like you've seen Avery before. But you quickly push that feeling in the back of your mind.
"Yes sir," you nod.
He smiles at you before you're transported to the human world.
After a bit of searching, you find Avery's house, which was rather huge.
You figure you might as well introduce yourself to him, and remember that only he can see you. So, you...

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