"Fun. I miss you like crazy End. It's weird not having you here."

"I miss you too." He said. "Do you want to see Ashton?"

"Sure." She said and Ender came over to hold the phone in front of me and Gracie.

"Hey babe." I smiled.

"Hi Mommy!" Gracie grinned as well.

"Hey loves, I miss you guys so much." I could see Carters face, her grey eyes bright and shining.

"We miss you too." I said and then finished tying off Gracie's braid.

"Wow, maybe I could be a hair stylist." I commented at my well done braid, and Gracie turned around in my lap to beam up at me.

"Aw, Daddy did a good job on your hair didn't he Gray?" Carter laughed.

"So how's Ari feeling?" I asked.

"Better. She still has a fever but I picked up her antibiotic today so hopefully she'll feel much better tomorrow."

"Good. Tell her I hope she feels better soon."

"I will." She smiled.

"Okay, well I've got to get this little one in bed, but we'll talk in the morning."

"Yeah. Sweet dreams you guys." She said.

"Love you." I smiled.

"Love you too. Goodnight." She waved and then hung up.

Gracie had slid off my lap and ran over to the counter where my sunglasses were and put them on.

"Look! I'm Daddy!" She exclaimed and my mom, Ender, and myself busted into laughter.

"Go stand over there Gray, let me take your picture." I told her and she stood in the middle of the living room and I had her put her hands in the air making peace signs before snapping her photo.

'Gracie Irwin as the stylish Olaf.' I posted the photo, still laughing at how silly she was.

I got Gracie and Ender together before saying goodnight to my mom and then ushering them off to my room since we had to get up early in the morning.

Ender and Gracie went to the bathroom to brush their teeth while I changed into my pyjamas and then flipped back the covers.

They came back in and I had one kid on each side of me, Gracie cuddling up to me with her bunny in her hands.

Even though I had already talked to her I sent Carter a good night text and then relaxed into the bed, falling asleep snuggled up next to my little girl and my future brother-in-law.

The alarm went off at 5:00 and I groaned as I moved to turn it off. Looking next to me I saw Ender asleep with his arm outstretched over my stomach.

Gracie was curled up with her head on my chest and her thumb in her mouth.

Taking my phone I took a picture of the adorableness that was these kids, posted it, and then carefully got out of the bed, heading to the bathroom.

After that I went out to the kitchen to start coffee and was soon met with Gracie's arms around my legs.

"Hey there princess." I smiled and placed a hand on her head before picking her up.

She fell back asleep on my shoulder and I smiled softly as I poured my cup of coffee and then began to carry her around the room, lightly bouncing and rocking her in my arms.

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