Mangle's POV


I lifted my head up from my bed covers with squinted eyes, only to see my now black mascara-stained pillow case beneath me.
Note to self; invest in some new waterproof mascara.
I let out a sigh and sat up properly, crossing my legs on the bed and leaning my head in my palms, feeling a few droplets of water trickle down my cheeks once more.
God, my am I so freakin emotional all the time? Maybe I'm getting my period..But you'd think I'd be over this by now anyway.
Well, I'd hoped to be over it by now at least.

My mind wandered back to the music lesson with Foxy..I feel really bad for just leaving him there completely clueless and probably super confused, I felt like we were really getting along until I had to go mess it up. He was so brave to open up to me about his parents getting a divorce and moving away, and I couldn't muster up the courage to tell him anything about my-

beep beep beep!

I lifted my face out of my palms and glanced over at my nightstand to see my phone screen flashing with notifications from people in school. Jeez, I leave school one lesson early and it's like I've died or something. I glared down at my phone, grabbing it to put it on silent as I fought the urge to hurl it out the window.
Can't I just mope in peace?
Two knocks came from outside my door, indicating my answer was no.
"Go away." I said grumpily, feeling my eyebrows lower.
"It's me, can I come in?" I heard the voice say who I now recognised as my Brother, Marionette.
"..No." I replied burying my head back into my pillow before turning it over only to fill it with more mascara stains. Completely ignoring my response, I heard Marionette turn the doorknob and enter my room. He walked over and sat on the end of my bed as I kept my face in the pillow,
Mari nudged me, "Hey stink face, what's up?" He asked softly with a small chuckle.
"Nothing." I replied, my speech sounding muffled against the pillow.
"Suree.." He said sarcastically and shuffling down the bed ever so slightly.
I huffed, "Look Marionette, I'm fine, okay?!" I snapped at him lifting my head up from the pillow and sitting up to reveal my reddened eyes and tears staining my cheeks.
He glared at me for a few split seconds at my snappy response but his gaze softened as he examined my face closer with a concerned expression appearing on his face.
"Woah, Mang, what happened?" Mari said worriedly edging towards me, looking me dead in the eyes which both of us only did when we knew something bad had happened to the other. I guess it's like a sibling thing?
My eyebrows slanted slightly and I felt my lips pulling down into a hesitant frown as more tears threatened to poor from my eyes, I squinted them desperately trying to hide it. Marionette shook his head and wrapped his arms around me while did the same, hiding my face against his shoulder while a few silent sobs escaped my mouth. He patted my back slowly for a while trying to calm me down before looking at me properly,
"Mang, I can't help unless you tell me what happened." He said with a frown. I sighed with a nod, using my palms to wipe my eyes so I could see him properly without the tears messing my vision up. "Basically in music, we had to talk to our partners about our personal life to 'get to know each other' or something like that, and I got paired with that new kid, Foxy and I asked him about his parents and we started talking about them and then I just..I..-" I stuttered, trying not to let my emotions get the best of me again. Marionette looked at me knowingly and let out a small sigh, "It reminded you of Mom?"
I paused before nodding, hearing him say Mom out loud was something I'm not used to anymore..
Marionette opened his mouth to say something in response but the sound of very short heels walking towards my room against the wooden floorboards in the hallway interrupted him. One of the maids opened the door carrying a pile of folded clothing, her eyebrows raising in surprise to see us both sitting in my room.
"Oh! Hello darlings! I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you home til' later." Rosie said softly.
Rosie was the head maid here and was like a mother figure for us, she helped practically raise us while we were younger since Dad was always away on business.
Me and Mari shared a look and within those few seconds I realised I had dance classes today and I was supposed to have cheerleading. Mrs Gavenchi is going to kill me.
And I'm pretty sure Mari usually hung out with his friends after school to get drunk or go biking, the usual. But he always told Dad he was at study group. "Your father has arrived home and probably wants to see you both about the business dinner this evening." She said bowing her head slightly.
"Thank you Rosie, we'll be down in a sec." Said Mari smiling at her and with that she left. He stood up off my bed and asked, "Will you be okay for tonight? I'm sure Dad won't mind moving it if he knows you're upset."
I pondered the thought for a few seconds and shook my head, "I'll be fine. Getting dressed up will probably make me feel better.." I laughed slightly, trying to lighten the mood.
Mari sighed, "If that's what you want." He stood up and gave me a quick hug before we he headed downstairs. I went to my bathroom to get the makeup off my eyes so dad wouldn't see that I had been crying. I don't want him worrying about me tonight with the whole dinner thing, especially with all his work colleagues coming over. I'll just..Tell him about it another time.
I went downstairs and headed to the living room where Dad and Mari were waiting for me. I noticed that Dad was in his business suit and attempting to do the cufflinks on his shirt sleeves up, but quite obviously failing.

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