Chapter 12

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A/N: The last chapter was so short, I HAD to update again! Sorry but this one's a tad bit short too... or not. ;P

Anyways, who watched 'This Is Us'? I couldn't... :( If anybody DID see it, could you please PLEASE tell me how it was!!! Please please please!!!!



*Diana's POV*

Prom was fairly boring, if you ask me. I danced with a few boys and went crazy jumping up and down with Amber and Melanie. I drank some punch, had a few snacks, sang along with Miley Cyrus's, One Direction's and Selena Gomez's party-hard hits. What else could I do? Oh, yeah. Speaking of One Direction....

"Do ya think they'll turn up?!?!" Jenna squealed. Amber, Melanie and I rolled our eyes at her simultaneously. Even Amby and Mel knew that the chances of five international popstars turning up at a normal boring school event because of a lame fan video was so low, it was practically non-existent...

"Duh not, Jenna!" Amber huffed and strolled into the crowd. I leaned against a wall as Melanie and Jenna went off as well. The clock on the wall opposite me showed that it was 2.55pm. My heart began to race. Only five more minutes before The Singer was announced... It could be me. Or not, I thought as I stared at the boys flocking around Celina and her cronies. My heart sank. You see, The Singer is not only chosen by talent, but by also popularity. So no hope for the socially awkward like me.

Sighing dejectedly, I smoothed down the front of my dress and wandered around. And it was just my luck that I ended up face to face with the one and only Josh Renald. You know, the guy Celina was dating and whom I HAD a SLIGHT infatuation with? Yeah, him.

"Hey, Diana. Look, I heard you were interested in me through Celina. I just wanted you to know that I am planning on dumping her because I really like you and-" Josh began but I cut him off, my voice harsh.

"Look, Josh. I likeD you. I don't like you anymore. I don't care if you dump Celina or not, we can never even be friends. Got it?" I snapped irritably. Before he could answer, I walked off angrily. Because Josh Renald was a dick. He had a new reputation now. He flirted and hooked up with girls he barely knew and broke their hearts. In short, he was a jerk and a player. That's why I hated him. And I would bet a million bucks Celina dated him only because of his looks, wealth and connections.

"Good afternoon, boys and girls! I'm Renee Joshua, Head of the Student's Council and Event Organiser of the Year. I hope you all are enjoying Red Gate High School's prom so far! Well, worry not, because it's getting better! We will be announcing what you have been waiting for in a few minutes! Please quiet down! Thank you!" A ginger-haired tall slender girl spoke into the microphone set up on stage. Instantly, the loud chattering merged into a hum of quiet murmuring. I gulped. It was going to be time. Soon.

"Di! Oh, there you are!" Amber's voice called. I spun around to find Amber, Melanie and a few of my classmates approaching me. I grinned nervously and joined them. Before we could greet each other, there was a loud boom from the stage. We turned to look as the school's band set up their instruments on stage rather loudly. They played all sorts of songs and were our events' music life, even though we had awesome DJs.

"Hey everybody! Let's start the presentations of honors!" Renee called gleefully. We applauded excitedly as she took out her cue cards.

"First of all, Prom King and Queen are........ Celina Rockwell and Josh Renald!"

The crowd booed and cheered in equal amounts. My mates and I stayed silent, sour expressions on our faces as Celina and Josh glided towards the stage hand in hand. They had stupid arrogant smirks on their faces. As I watched, Josh turned and winked at me before stepping onstage. I looked around anxiously and realized nobody noticed. Thank God. That disgusting pervert...

"Thanks Red Gate for voting for us. Yeah, whatevs. Anyways, party tomorrow in my MANSION! Everyone invited! You know, except the LOSERS!" Celina stared at me pointedly but I ignored her. Josh didn't say anything except flirt with most of the girls. Idiot.

"Okay, then!" Renee continued cheerfully. "Now for a special award. It is to honor a particular class in their amazing singing talents that brought incredible fame to our school! We thank you, Class H! You'll be singing for us later, except Celina, Rose and Fion because they weren't there!"

My whole class erupted into laughter and joy as the whole school applauded for us. Celina, Rose and Fion glared at us incredulously. We ignored them and their protests, celebrating and hugging.

"And lastly.... The Singer..." Renee trailed off teasingly. We stood still with expectation. Anticipation was palpable in the atmosphere. Amber looked all happy-go-lucky. Melanie looked anxious. I knew she wanted this as much as I did. Celina was posing with a confident smirk on her ugly face.

"The Singer is..."

We held our breaths.

".... Melanie Leknie!"

Disappointment and sadness coursed through me. But I had known I was stupid to even think about winning. I had just gotten my hopes up for them to get dashed. But I forced a grin as Melanie squealed and hugged all of us. I congratulated her stiffly before she ran up to the stage, laughing wildly. I satisfied myself with the look of absolute horror and disbelief on Celina's face.

"Oh my god, you guys! I can't believe this! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Melanie grinned, jumping up and down. Suddenly, she stopped and the cheering of the crowd halted as well. We exchanged confused glances. Melanie was wearing a serious expression.

"But I can't accept this."

The crowd were stunned into silence. Some were jealous, others were sad. But most were shocked, like me.

"I'm really honored and all, but I don't think I'm the best singer. I think you've got it all wrong. You choose The Singer based on popularity too, which is inaccurate. I can prove it. One of my best friends is gorgeous and has a beautiful voice. But she's really quiet. If she was louder, would you see her? Because she deserves to be The Singer!" Melanie scanned the crowd before her for something....or someone. Then her eyes fell on me. I caught her gaze at once. I knew what was coming. But I couldn't believe it.

"The real Singer here is...... Diana Morgan!"

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