Chapter 10

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A/N: I'm currently stuck in a bus for what, one hour now? So much traffic!!! AAARGH!! My legs are aching and I'm annoyed so I decided to write this to distract myself.


P.S. I know the story info said there won't be any One Direction-Diana romance and it's TRUE!! Just read on, you'll understand...


*Zayn's POV*

I still couldn't get her out of my mind. She was indescribably gorgeous. Her dark silky curls, her deep chocolatey eyes and her flawless ivory skin...

Snap out of it! I thought.

Even her voice was beautiful...

"AAARGH!" I groaned. Sadly, I did that out loud. The other lads turned to stare at me. We were lounging at Harry's flat. Starstruck was running on the television. Louis's choice. I think it was just to kill us.

"What's wrong, mate?" Harry asked me worriedly.

"Oh...uh... The guy made the girl cry..." I said lamely, not meeting anybody's eyes. I could feel their confused and troubled stares on me. It felt really uncomfortable.

"Honestly, what's wrong? You can te-" Liam began but I stood up abruptly. I didn't like where this was going. One way or another, they'll find out I have a crush on the black-haired girl in the video we saw at the interview. Then they'll make me contact her. Then Harry will flirt with her like he's supposed to while I'll stay silent and 'mysterious' in the background. She will fall for Harry like they all do and never notice me. I didn't want that.

"I have to go," I muttered and made my way outside the flat.

Before I closed the door, I heard Harry say,"First he was in some sort of trance at the interview, now he groans out of nowhere, lies about it and walks out? What's up with him?" I gritted my teeth and slammed the door shut.

Since we all live in the same block but our flats were separate, I just had to go down to my level. Harry's and Louis's flats were in the 12th level, Liam's one was in the 10th level, Niall's and mine were in the 3rd level.


Oh yeah, because Harry and Louis are disruptive enough alone so we couldn't stay in that level and destroy everyone, Liam wanted 'space' from the noise we'll make, Niall needed the floor closest to the ground level to dash for food and I was not allowed alone in a level since somebody had to check on me so I didn't 'sleep' when we were supposed to be getting ready for something.


I stepped out into the 3rd floor and trudged to my flat. I locked the door and plopped down onto a couch. Switching on the television, I tuned in to a gossip show.

"So, the pupils of Red Gate High School are having prom right now! Paparazzi are at the gates, waiting to see if the boys of One Direction are really going to turn up," A plump woman spoke excitedly. What? I thought. Prom? Us? Where did THAT come from? I opened Twitter and found millions of comments asking the same question. I quickly composed a tweet.

ZaynMalik: Hey guys. Look, we're not going to Red Gate High School. It's just a rumor! Please stop hogging their school. Let them enjoy their prom. ;) #LetThemEnjoyRedGateProm

I added the hashstag as an afterthought. After I sent it, I leaned back and closed my eyes....just when the lads burst into my flat. I jerked up, startled.

"ZAYNIE!" Louis shrieked.

"What the hell? How did you guys even get in?" I jumped up.

"You really shouldn't leave your spare key under your doormat..." Liam trailed off, seeing my livid expression.

"What do you want?" I hissed. I hated it when people invaded my relaxation time. Harry and Louis pouted at the same time, Niall ran for the kitchen and Liam sighed.

"Look, we want to help you. So tell us what's wrong," Liam began.

"Nothing's wrong!" I shouted but they won't hear of it. Harry and Louis plopped down on the couch, pulling me with them. Liam followed and Niall squished me by sitting on my other side, holding a big bowl of crisps. I glared at him for wiping me out of crisps but he paid no attention. All of them silently waited for me to speak- well, besides Niall who was crunching away on MY food.

"It's no-" I was about to repeat when Louis screamed at me.

"IT'S NOT NOTHING, MATE! TELL US! TELL US! TELL US!" He began to chant loudly and Harry followed. Even Niall did, but it sounded like 'twell uzz' because his mouth was full.

"Okay! Okay! I like the girl from the video we were shown in the interview this morning!" I admitted. Thankfully, they shut up their chanting.

"I know what you're thinking, I haven't even met her and I like her, but-" I ranted until Niall cut me off.

"Don't worry! We're not judging! Let's check out the video again, aye?" he suggested. I nodded, smiling at the thought of seeing the gorgeous girl. Louis opened my laptop and clicked on the video in YouTube in no time. The video began to play and I pointed the girl out. Louis, Niall and Liam wolf-whistled and cheered. I grinned shyly and laughed but I stopped when I realised Harry was staring at the screen, his face pale and shocked. That's when it hit me.

"You like her too, don't you?" I asked him. The lads grew silent as they stared at Harry.

"No! I mean, I don't even know her!" He chuckled nervously but I wasn't convinced and none of the other boys were either. It didn't explain his strange reaction.

"Then why did you look so shocked, mate?" Louis asked quietly. Which was a first for him.

"Yesterday, at the bar, I actually met her! She bumped into me but neither of us realised who the other really was- I think... Anyways, now I recognise her! That's all!" Harry laughed.

"Ohhhhhh...." we chorused. I nodded understandingly. He didn't fancy her. Definitely not. Right? I shook my head. But I still felt jealous that he, of all of us, met her first.

"Right. Well, anyway, we need to meet her!" Niall chirped excitedly. We agreed- me, most of all- and scrolled down the comments to the video to find something about her. After two whole minutes, we found what we needed.


DianaMorgan_Loves_Music: @Melanie_Likey_1D geez. not like i wanted to be obvious! im alrdy dying here kay?

I grinned. No doubt her name was Diana Morgan. Not only that, we also knew her YouTube account! This was going great! Harry won't mess with her now that I've claimed her first!

Then why did he look so.....guilty?

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