Chapter 11

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A/N: I have barely got any votes or any readers. But I don't care. I'm just writing on Wattpad to let loose my imagination without people knowing me in reality. Yes, it feels beyond amazing even if I get a vote or a comment. It's so rare, it feels so invaluable when it happens.

So anyway, I'm not asking for any of that. But it will be appreciated if you could simply tap the 'Vote' if you like it. I will follow you and read all your works and give comments if you take the time to comment. This is not a deal. It's just a simple fact.

Time to ENJOY!!


*Harry's POV*

I slipped out of Zayn's flat and into my own when nobody was looking. Everybody was cooing over Zayn's crush over Diana. I just couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted her. So I was going to get her. My plan?

I examined myself in the mirror. The white dress shirt and black pants that I was wearing would fit the surroundings, I thought. I put on a black matching fedora and left the building quietly. I kept my head down to avoid being recognised. After few almost-recognised situations, I managed to arrive at my destination. Streamers and balloons decorated the whole grounds. Girls and boys milled around, dancing, chatting or eating. A large banner that was hung across two tall oaks caught my eye. 'Welcome to Red Gate High School's Prom', it said. I grinned. Nobody spared me a second-glance. So far so good, I thought to myself.

Now for the hard part. Finding a certain beautiful girl with black curls and chocolate eyes.

Diana Morgan.

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