Chapter 9

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A/N: Yay! Another update! I usually don't do this, but I recommend 'Dark and Dangerous Love' by MollyNight! It includes Harry Styles and Zayn Malik, but not in the way you think. It has absolutely no relation to One Direction. It contains sort of mature content so be warned....

Also, I changed Diana's outfit. Check Chapter 4 for the new outfit with a picture. It's really her taste.

Anyways, ENJOY!!

P.S. Can I get three votes before my next update, please? It would be really appreciated!


*Diana's POV*

The day dawned bright and clear. I glanced at the clock. Seven o'clock. It was prom today. Unlike most proms, Red Gate's dances take place around the afternoon, not evening. Talk about romantic settings...

"Mom not home yet..." I muttered to myself as I got out of bed. I quickly ran into the shower and took a mad five-minute bath. I dried myself hastily and slipped on a pair of sweats and a comfy T-shirt before sitting on the couch to wait for Amber and Melanie. I flipped channels on the TV until one caught my eye. It was a celebrity gossip show.

"Now we are wondering about Red Gate's students being big fans of One Direction. The video posted recently has caused the students there to receive much hate. It happens that they are having prom today. It is rumoured that One Direction is going to turn up and surprise them!" The host announced gleefully. I rolled my eyes. As if. I switched off the TV in time to hear the doorbell ring loudly. I pulled the door open to reveal a very excited Melanie and a chirpy Amber holding large pink shopping bags. Without a word, Melanie grabbed my arm with her free hand and dragged me to my mother's bathroom. Amber shut the door and followed behind. Why my mom's bathroom, you ask? It's super large and really spacious and airy. Perfect for three teenager girls scrambling for prom. Which we didn't have dates to.

" dates?" I asked them as we lay out our make up products on the long glossy counter.

"Duh. Ashton and Brendan asked me but I said no. I want to be single and ready to mingle!" Amber cheered gleefully. Melanie rolled her eyes at her.

"Ken and Rob did ask me but I refused, of course. Same reasons. If we had been asked out, we wouldn't be here, would we?" Melanie asked practically. Always the logical but quirky one, she was. Amber, on the other hand, was really hyper all the time and a tad bit scatter-brained.

"That reminds me. How did you know this bathroom is the biggest?" I asked them curiously. Amber shrugged nonchalantly and glanced at Melanie who rolled her eyes again.

"You clearly said 'Prom dress up is best at my mom's bathroom!' the other day and said 'My mom's room is right next to the room with a purple star on the door. The purple-starred door is mine.' too, you know," she grumbled.

"Ohhhh... Good to know you have a great memory, Mel," I laughed. She rolled her eyes AGAIN- for the third time in two minutes.

"LET'S GET READY!!" Amber screeched. See what I mean by really hyper? Melanie went first. She sat on the low white chair infront of the long mirror beside the counter. Amber and I quickly combed through her long wavy blond hair and pinned it up half of it. We glossed up the other half and applied creams and foundation on her tanned skin. Amber was specialised in eyeshadow so she got onto applying red eyeshadow. I helped put on scarlet lipstick and a faint blush. She slid on her dress and pumps carefully without smudging anything. Amber added gold sparkles to her eyelids and Melanie got up. Done.

"ME! ME! ME!" Amber chanted loudly- until we pushed her onto the chair and told her we would push her out if she didn't shut up. That shut her up. We combed through her straight brown locks and decided to pin it up into an elegant bun and leave a few strands hanging around her face in a natural way. She squealed and wriggled around when I attempted to apply foundation. Attempted.

After much drama which involved kicking, scratching, biting and running out in tears, Amber stood before us, ready. Her gown was flowing down without wrinkles, her make up wasn't smudged, her hair wasn't out of place, her wedges were strapped on properly and her jewellery was worn where it should be.

"Perfect!" I proclaimed and we pranced around gleefully- until both of them grabbed my arms and dragged me to the chair roughly.

"Amby! Mel! Be more gentle!" I groaned, rubbing my sore arms and glaring at them furiously. Amber smirked cheekily and began applying make up. I hate make up. It makes you feel so fake and unnatural. But I stayed still because I wanted it to be over soon. Besides, it was only for one afternoon. I felt my curly black hair being teased and pulled into a sort of half-bun. The top layers were swirled into a knot while the bottom layers hung straight down my back. I slipped on my dress, shoes and jewellery and looked in the mirror. I gasped.

My black eyeshadow was done in a smoky effect so my brown eyes looked beautiful. (pic on the side) My dress hugged my figure comfortably and the accessories set off my skin perfectly.

"Oh my god! You could totally seduce Zayn Malik! ZANA FOREVER!!" Amber shrieked. I rolled my eyes. You see, my One Direction- crazed mates think that I would hook up with Zayn because we look somewhat similar. And by that, I mean the black hair and brown eyes. Tell me, how many girls in the world had black hair and brown eyes?

"I've never heard that one before. Zana?" I asked her, narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

"Zayn plus Diana equals Zana! Duh!" Melanie called out from where she was, putting away her stuff. I groaned and helped both of them clean up.

When I finally walked out of the bathroom, the clock read noon. We had spent four hours in there. No wonder I decided not to ever go near a bathroom again unless I needed to do my business. I shouted for Amber and Melanie and they came running.

"It's twelve noon. Let's go! Prom's starts now and Jordan told us he'll pick us up now too!" I shrieked. Amber and Melanie exchanged panicked glances. As we all were going to return to my home after prom, we simply dumped our stuff in my room before racing down just in time to hear a car honk. I pulled open the door and Jordan's sleek red Mercedes Benz was purring. Jordan was quite rich so he could easily own it. Jordan sat inside in a clean tuxedo. He shot us a grin as we piled in. I managed to lock the door before I got in. Thanks to the aircon interior, we didn't smudge our make-up or ruin our outfit because of our sweat.

"Thanks for the ride, Jordan!" I heard Amber call to which my best friend grunted. I furiously typed away in my phone.

Me: Left for prom. Will be home around three.

I sent the message to my mom and sat back against the expensive leather seat. Off we go...

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