Chapter 7

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A/N: Hey guys. You may want to check the previous chapter if you read it before I posted this as I made a few changes. Nothing major. Anyways, pretty please with MORE cherries ontop, vote and comment! It barely takes two seconds, pwease!



*Diana's POV*

I shoved and elbowed my way through the crowd, trying to search for Jordan. After a few more minutes of struggling through the throngs of sweaty drunks, I spotted him leaning against the bar counter.

"Hey, Jordy!" I greeted him and leaned back onto the counter beside him.

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the singing princess... Just get me an autograph when you meet 'em, 'kay?" Jordan replied.

"Firstly, I am NOT a singing princess. Secondly, I am NOT gonna meet them!" I exclaimed.

"Hmm..." Jordan waggled his eyebrows at me suggestively. I rolled my eyes at him and eyed the numerous empty bottles beside him.

"Just take a drink, if you wanna sweetie!" he laughed, seeing me look at the beer bottles.

"You know I don't drink. I'm just wondering how the hell you're able to stay sober after drinking so much!" I retorted.

"Who said I'm sober?" Jordan chuckled and grabbed a random passing guy around the collar and kissed him. On the lips. Poor thing.

"You do that even when you ARE sober! I'm gonna wander around for a bit. See ya!" I called and rolled my eyes when I saw that he hadn't heard a word- he was full-out snogging the drunk guy. The lad was so wasted that he kissed back. I began walking away when I felt a pair of large hands grab my waist. I slapped them away and made my way through the crowd easily. I had been to worse nightclubs so I knew how to manage.

"Are you crazy? You are NOT going in there!" I heard a voice call. Surprised that someone had enough sense to say that, I headed towards the voice to find a large man speaking to five people. The people were all wearing dark hoodies and shades so I couldn't see their faces.

"But, Paul! They're all wasted so none of them can recognize us!" one of the people spoke up. I identified him as a male due to his deep slow voice.

"Fine. But if you get wasted or do something you regret-" 'Paul' began but the another guy cut him off.

"We're partying! Of course we're getting wasted and doing something we'll regret!" he shrieked and dashed off with the other four of his group on his tail. 'Paul' sighed and shook his head. He simply headed out of the bar. I was really confused. Who were these guys? Their voices seemed strangely familiar but I could tell they weren't from around there. And why were they wearing hoodies and shades? Why shouldn't they be recognized? I shook my head and headed towards the counter again. Jordan was not there so I sat on one of the stools and looked around boredly. I didn't want to go home yet and I didn't trust the place enough to dance or drink water. I sighed again and took out my phone to check on twitter.

Harry_Styles: Getting drunk and partying hard at a bar!!

Harry Styles had tweeted. Yeah, enjoy yourself, Harry, I thought a bit sourly. I didn't tweet back because he had enough replies from millions of girls worldwide. I got up and texted to Jordan quickly.

Me: I'm leaving Jordy. You probably won't remember, but you just turned a straight guy gay tonight. Good job, buddy! ;P

I chuckled and began walking with my eyes trained on my phone. Major mistake alert. I slammed into a chest. My reflexes kicking in, I took a step back and instinctively muttered an apology.

"Hey, it's okay, love," A husky voice chuckled assuringly. I looked up. Love? British guy?

Staring down at me was a pair of gorgeous green eyes. I realized he was one of the guys I had witnessed talking to 'Paul'. I decided to give him a shock.

"Listen to Paul and be a good boy, will you?" I said and walked off towards the doors, not before seeing his eyes turn incredulous. I couldn't see anything else of his face because of the poor lighting and his hoodie. I was glad that his shades were off so I could at least see his eyes.

And again, his voice and eyes seem so familiar yet I can't place them, I thought frustatedly as I began my short journey home.

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