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"She's not alright Sam!" I screamed and held his collar. "Leave her alone to think, Jacob." Sam said while he was calm. "Jacob enough!" Evie interfered, making me back away from Sam.

"I know she isn't alright. She needs us! Can't both of you see that? Have you lost your bottles!" Tears were filling my eyes. I did miss Anastasia very much, I haven't seen her around since I came back. Apparently, she never comes back to the train and no one has seen her.

"Jacob! She can handle herself, nothing is going to happen." Evie tried to reassure me but something doesn't feel right.

I ignored what Evie told me, I jumped out of the train. I'm gonna search for her with my rooks and her gang members. I need to find her, she needs me. Anastasia won't be finding her sister on her own, she has me.


"Alright rooks!" I smacked my hands together, they've never seen me this serious. "Find her, tell me where you've seen her and I'll take over."

One of Anastasia's gang members came up to me with another girl. She removed her hat in a respectful manner. "Apologies mr Frye. B-but we haven't seen miss Anastasia for a long period of time." Both gang members looked up at me in worry.

"Whoever finds her! Will be rewarded!" I announced. "Now let's get a move on!"


I was sitting in a pub having a drink and reading through my father's journal. Everything he said about my sister was horrifying. He loved her when she was younger, but saw her as a devil after she murdered my little brother and mother.

I realized some rooks were watching me in the pub, that is when I realized I should leave. I closed my father's journal and placed it inside my cloak's pocket.

As I left, one started to follow and the other left. I swerved around in alleyways trying to loose the rook, I didn't want to hurt him. He was a good man. I finally climbed the building and looked over the rook.

He was confused to where I disappeared to, I gained a small smirk on my lips. I did not feel the presence that was behind me, and I was surely not paying attention.

"Anastasia..." A whisper that went through my ears, making my eyes wide, tears blurring my vision. The voice that I wouldn't expect to hear until my sister was dead.

"Jacob..." I turned around slowly, getting up from my crouched possession. "You changed your attire." He said chuckling, his voice almost breaking. I did not say a word, I just wanted to run to him and kiss him, but I couldn't.

Jacob stepped closer, breaking the space between us. "Anastasia...come back to the train, I'll help you." His hands went on my shoulders, trying to comfort me.

"I can't Jacob. Once I'm done with everything I promise I'll come." I started to tense remembering what my sister has told me. She will kill Jacob if I ever talked to him again.

"Yes you can. She won't kill me, I'm strong. I can handle myself. Right now I need you Anastasia please." The light from the moon reflected on Jacob's eyes, making my heart pound quicker.

"I have to go Jacob. Goodbye, I'll see you soon." When I turned to leave, Jacob grabbed me by my arm shoving me closer to him. He kissed me hard, but it went softer as I melted into his arms. The kiss was passionate until I remembered that I should be leaving.

I pushed Jacob away. "I'm sorry Jacob." A tear fell of chin. I made a run for it before he could do anything again. "Anastasia wait!" I was thinking that was the last thing I'll ever be hearing from him.


After Anastasia fled, I realized she dropped a journal on the roof. I picked it up to realize it belonged to her father.

I flipped through the pages, some writings her father wrote about the family. So Lilith Cobain is truly her sister.

Before I could get into more details, I heard a shifting noise behind me. I turned around quickly to find a woman with her head down.

"You know Jacob. Little sister is shockingly stubborn don't ya think?" My heart skipped a beat when I knew who I was dealing with. Lilith Cobain.

"I told her not to talk to you, but unfortunately she didn't take my threat seriously. Sadly for you, handsome, you're going to die." An evil smirk cam up to her face. I wasn't waiting for her to finish her sentence, I took this as a chance.

I lunged at her, throwing a few punches and kicking her. She was fairly strong. She started to laugh hysterically for some odd reason.

She took out her rifle and hit me with it on my head, blacking me out. The last thing I saw was her maniac smile. 


I woke up with a bad headache, I started to groan, opening my eyes was a difficult task. I realized my hands were chained to the wall.

"Rise and shine pretty boy." Lilith said without focusing on me, but rather focusing on her father's journal.

"You know what's hysteric Jacob?" Her eyes fell on me. "You?" I said dryly. "Oh you silly man!" She laughed her maniac laugh.

"Not me no! My father!" She laughed more, gripping her stomach. "He made me seem like such an evil thing for killing my mother and little brother. Also my attempt to kill your future spouse."

"Truly I'm not that bad." She leaned her head on her arm, crossing her legs and looking at me. "What do you think of me Jacob? Do I remind you of Anastasia?" She giggled, making me furious.

"No. You're pathetic." I spat. She threw her head back, laughing loudly. "Oh no my dear Jacob. You're pathetic. You're the one tide up." She walked towards me.

"You see, I'll make Anastasia watch while I kill you. Evie, Sam and Henry are next. After all of you, its her turn." Her voice became raspy and her eye started to twitch. "Might keep her a little longer for her to suffer." She chuckled.

The Idiot Assassin - Jacob FryeWhere stories live. Discover now