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After Sam stitched my thigh, he never looked at me he just walked away. Henry went after Sam and Evie helped me to my cart. "Did something happen? With little boy Sammy?" I asked. "He seems different...his aura, you know?" I sat on my bed. "Well...his gang members back in America are decreasing miss Cobain." Evie mentioned. "Please, it's Anastasia for you." I smiled politely. "Well, what about my gang?" I asked. "Well Anastasia, I'll leave you to discuss that with Sam." She patted me on the back and left. How can our gangs be reduced? There must be something going on.
As I was deep in my thoughts, there was a knock on my door, I looked up and it was Jacob. I gave him a weak smile. "May I?" He pointed to the spot on the bed next to me. "Of course." I made more space for him. "So..what was that all about?" Jacob asked about Sam. "According to Evie...both Sam's and my gang are reducing, meaning territory is being forcefully taken. This hadn't happened in awhile..." I told Jacob. "Both your gangs seem to be global, stronger than my rooks." Jacob chuckled. "Well, I guess your right, I'll solve it tomorrow, no worries." I said looking at Jacob. Jacob looked me in the eyes, starring at me. I couldn't blink or move, I felt my cheeks getting hotter. We stared at each other for a minute until there was a knock on the door. Jacob and I jolted up straight. "Jacob dearest-" Evie smirked at the view of both of us. "C-coming, what is it!" Jacob stuttered while he hurried off my bed and closed the door with a loud thud. I tried to make myself comfortable but my injury was just getting in my way.

Jacob's POV:

"What is it Evie dearest?" I said as I closed the door, walking forward into the other cart. "What was that?" Evie smirked. "What was what, Evie?" I played stupid. "That. The whole stare thing." Evie smirked and crossed her arms. "I don't know Evie, you must be seeing things." I laid down on the couch. "Come on, I can see it Jacob, it's starting." Evie teased. "Oh Henry, lets do some more research on the shroud, mr Green why stand so ever close to me mr Green." I mocked Evie while she rolled her eyes. Evie went in her cart, and I stayed laying down on the sofa.
Evie is right, there is some attraction going on, I can't tell what it is but I feel something between Anastasia and I....

  Once I woke up from the killing pain in my thigh, I see Sam sleeping on the chair next to my bed. But not for long, he woke up when I hissed in pain. "Here! Some pain killers." He hurried up and handed the medicine to me. "You were sleeping here all night?" I asked. "Like I always have, Anastasia dearest." He said sitting beside me on the bed. "Sammy, I heard about the gang reduction." I mentioned. "There is nothing we can do, we are needed in London." He said upset. "I know that. But one of us could go back. You know what will happen once we loose all territory." I told Sam. "Separating the two of us? For the first time? We follow each other everywhere." Sam said not agreeing with the idea.
Here is the thing, after my father's death, I was never separated from Sam. I did everything with Sam, we shared a room, ate together, became assassins together, you name it. "Look, we'll find a solution. Connor Kenway is in America and I'm positive he'd love to help us." He placed his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged when Sam mentioned Connor's name, For no obvious reason perhaps. "Alright..." I gave in. "Here, have some more of these medications and rest. You need it, since there is business you need to attend to soon." Sam placed a bottle of pills in my hand and jumped off the bed, before he left he smiled and closed the door. I took 2 of the pills and rested.

Jacob's POV:
I woke up from the sound of a door closing, I opened my eyes hoping it was Anastasia but it was only Sam. "Good morning Jacob. Up on your feet now. You're stuck with me since Anastasia will be out for awhile." He clapped his hands together in order to wake me up. He succeeded. "What time is it Sammy boy?" I lifted myself from the sofa. "7 in the morning. Now now, lets get moving." Sam grabbed his white cloak. I looked closely to his face and I realized he had the same faded slice mark on his cheek, similar to Anastasia's. His eyes were green, sleek brown hair and a defined jawline. He wore a red vest and black pants, once you look closely to his shirt, there were golden dragon prints. Fancy. "Where are we off to this early in the morning?" I squinted my eyes when I looked out the window. "Oh, someone we have to track down." He commanded. "Now lets have a little bit of fun, shall we?" Sam said in a husky tone.


Once I woke up, I felt bored just sitting down it wasn't my thing to do anything all day, after all I am an assassin. Once I came out of bed I went to the other cart where Sam, Jacob, Evie and Henry would be. But I only found Evie working on her desk. "You should be resting." She said without glancing at me. I ignored what she said. "Where is everyone else, might I ask?" I sat on the chair next to the desk. "Out, of course. You should be in your bed Anastasia, you need the rest." She said giving me a weak smile. "Trying to get rid of me are you now?" I said playfully. "Here, let me help you." I stood next to her and started to read more papers about the piece of Eden. I saw patterns on few of the papers, so I aligned them. However, 2 were missing. "Why did you stop? Searching for the piece of Eden?" Evie asked curiously. That question left me blank, I had no answer for that. Sam always thought there was no hope, but he still helped me through it. "I'm not sure Evie...I think I wasn't trying hard enough." I commented. "I believe that you'll find it. You work harder than I ever did." I smiled at Evie and so did she.
While working through the paper works together, Evie and I became rather close. I talked to her about my trip to Italy and Japan, until something caught my attention. "Evie, use your eagle vision on the aligned papers. There's a pattern." I commanded. "Of course! Directions! How could I have not thought of that." Evie said with a smile. "Now don't jump to conclusions. I thought there were only 2 papers missing to complete the directions. However, now it seems to be more than 2 or 3." I said sitting down on the chair. Before Evie could say anything, Sam and Jacob entered the cart. "Evie! I got something that could help you." Sam said excited. I got up from my chair and forced myself to walk on my injured leg. "Gimme that." I snatched the paper and aligned it with the rest of the papers. "One done, few more to go. Thank you Sam." Evie said. "And you, aren't you supposed to be resting." Sam held my arm and walked me to my cart. "I wanted to help with something!" Sam pushed me gently on my bed. "Help later. Rest now." Sam looked at me blankly and closed the door.

When it was midnight, Evie went out with Henry to get more information about the shroud. Sam went to sleep in his own cart, and I'm guessing Jacob was asleep. I could hear my stomach growl, I was hungry. I didn't eat anything all day, once I was about to get off my bed, the door opened. "Anastasia?" It was Jacob. "Oh good, you're awake." He smiled entering my cart with a tray. "Here this is for you, I'm guessing you're starving to death." He placed a cup of tea and a plate of biscuits on the table beside me. "Oh yes I am! Thank you Jacob, you shouldn't have. I was about to get up to get some food myself." I took one of the biscuits from the plate. "How are you feeling?" He asked sitting on my bed beside. "Quite alright." I sipped a little bit of my tea. "Well I hope you get better soon. This cousin of yours is a lunatic, he almost lost his bottles!" Jacob said leaning on his arm. "Why yes he is, I've worked with him for a long time now, I'm glad I can have a little break by working with you." I said laughing. "Do you not find me impulsive, and an idiot like everyone says I am?" He said with a smirk. "Well, maybe. Or maybe I just have more patients than anyone else." I said eating another biscuit. Jacob looked at me, but before he could say anything we heard Henry's voice and Evie's. "Well now, I'll see you in the morning." He kissed my cheek and left. A big smile grew on Jacob's face, he knew very well what he was doing.

The Idiot Assassin - Jacob FryeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt