Hello, mr Starrick.

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(Heyyy guyss :D!! I finally found a good picture to show how Sam looks like! Keep reading more story, new plots are coming! More exciting things yayyy!! + thank you for all who have been reading, love youuuu)

Jacob was sound asleep, his arms were around my body, I felt safe. However, I couldn't sleep, as many thoughts ran through my mind. As I kept turning in bed, it awoke Jacob.

"Is everything alright?" Jacob whispered, sleep still in his voice. "I can't sleep." I turned around to face him. His eyes were half shut, sleep filled his voice.

"What's bothering you, my sweet sweet Anastasia?" A small sleepy smile spread on his lips. "Jacob...there's this woman that I saw at the asylum. She had the exact necklace as I did." I pulled out my necklace from underneath my blouse, making him a good look at it.

"Could be a coincidence, my love. Nothing more." Jacob said yawning, as he wrapped his arm around me.

"No Jacob, these initials are my parents. Alisa Delgadro, and Alexander Cobain." I said looking at him. "Someone you might know?" I caught Jacob's full attention. "I don't know anyone except you, Evie, Henry and Sam." I said rolling my eyes. "Then, don't worry about it now." He kissed my forehead. "Go back to sleep." He whispered in my ear, holding me tightly.


As Evie wore her maroon gown, Jacob was wearing his suit, I was readying my weapons besides Sam.

Jacob walked in to the cart, with a smug smile on his face. "How do I look!" Jacob placed his fingers in his hair, as he pushed it back, showing his handsome face.

"Dashing." I said with a smile, and kissed his cheek, he placed his hand on my hips and kissed me on the forehead.

"Alright alright love birds, lets start getting to work now shall we?" Sam interrupted our little session. "Save it for later, lets get going. A carriage is waiting for us outside Jacob." As always, Evie was straight away focused on the task. Sam too.

"Alright alright, sister dearest. No need to be so tense." Jacob winked at me and kissed me passionately before he left. Sam stuck out his tongue in a joking matter as I smiled back at him.


"Its the first in a long time we have worked together." I looked at Sam with a small smile on my lips. "Oh dear cousin, I surely do miss that smile of yours." Sam returned the smile and pinched my cheek. "Oh I hate it when you do that!" I slapped his hand away, rolling my eyes. Sam burst out laughing. "Thank goodness you haven't changed my dear."

Sam and I were on the roof, watching out for Jacob and Evie. "Ah, look who Evie is dancing with. Your beloved Starrick." Sam teased, I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm playfully.

"You think we will find the shroud Sam?" I asked curiously, hoping the answer would be yes. "We'll find out soon." Something else caught Sam's attention.

"Something wrong with the guards. They're the blighters." Sam states the obvious. "Now. Shall we? Just like the old days?" I remembered before Sam and I arrived to London, we always worked together. However, since we have met Jacob and Evie we haven't worked together since.

"We shall." Sam said with a grin. We jumped of the building and went to another. Sam air assassinated one of the blighter, as I sneaked behind one of the blighter and took him down.

After we were done freeing the guards, I glanced over at Evie and Starrick. They both stopped dancing as I knew this was a sign, that both Sam and I should be alert.

"Sam." I nudged Sam gently as I caught his attention and answered with a hmm. "Jacob is running after Starrick. Where's Evie?" I asked, very intrigued. "Changing her attire, dearest." Sam said with his deep voice. "Do not hurry. We shall wait. If something is wrong, we'll must interfere." Sam placed his hood back on, covering his eyes.

Jacob and Evie were taking too long, Sam and I decided to interfere. We swam across the lake and into a small hole on the floor. The stairs were damaged, we had to slide down.

As we reached, Evie was on the floor while Starrick was strangling Jacob. Sam ran to Evie's side as I caught Starrick's attention by throwing the knife in his shoulder.

"Starrick!" I shouted. Starrick removed my throwing knife, his wound patching back up. "The shroud..." I whispered to myself in disbelief.

"My my, there must be a bunch of you." Starrick barked, throwing Jacob to the floor. "And who are you! One of them!" Starrick said in disgust.

"Dear Starrick. I thought you would recognize my voice." I said in sarcasm, as I ran towards him and took out my 2 swords. "This is not your fight!" Starrick screamed.

"Of course it is! It involves the people of London!" My 2 swords entered his abdomen. Later on, he pulled out my swords and threw them on the floor.

"Now let me see this face." Starrick grabbed me by the neck, stabbing me in the thigh with his very own knife. I screamed out in pain, trying to kick Starrick's stomach.

As he pulled my hood away from my face, he gasped. He was in shock. "It can't be..." Starrick whispered. "My apologies love." I said in a gentle whisper with a small smirk on my face.

"But I loved you..." His grip around my neck loosened. "How dare you!!" Starrick removed the knife from my thigh. His knife met my stomach as I gripped his arm, pain shooting through my body.

"Anastasia no!!" Jacob's and Sam's voice was the last thing I heard before everything went dark.

The Idiot Assassin - Jacob FryeWhere stories live. Discover now