Fight Club

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I awoke the next day feeling more refreshed than last night, I stretched out my body and climbed off the bed. I wore my assassin's clothes and headed to the other cart. Sam and Evie were not there, except Jacob who was sleeping on the sofa with his arm and leg hanging off the edge. I gently put his arm on his chest and his legs next to the other one and covered him with a wool blanket. It was getting cold outside, winter is almost here.

Once I left the train, I went on roofs to get a better look at the streets and what was happening. For some odd reason, I felt someone watching me. When I looked around, no one was there. I had to ignore the feeling, it could have just been my imagination or my mind playing tricks on me. I stopped by the market and took an apple, making that my breakfast. London was more different than any other places I have been to, I liked London and I was planning on staying here protecting the citizens.

I walked past a factory with 12 blighters roaming around and few children in groups cleaning. One boy fell weakly to the ground, he must have not been eating for days. "Do you want to get some whipping done on ya boy! Get to work!" One of the blighter lady screamed to the poor boy, while 2 of the children cried. It was time for me to interrupt this child liberation bullshit. I put on my hood and activated my eagle vision. I sneaked behind the woman who screamed her lungs out to the boy. "Close your eyes.." I told the little children before pulling the blighters leg and her inside met my blade. Luckily, the children listened. I went to them and freed them, giving the poor boy who fell my apple that I did not get the chance to finish. Once I entered the factory, there was 4 more groups of children, I just had to free them. I snuck behind few of the blighters and silently assassinating them. I freed 3 groups of children, 1 more to go. I air assassinated one of the blighters, not noticing the other blighter was next to me. I punched him in the face and put a knife in his throat. Once I was done freeing the children, I called in my gang to take the factory in their possession, another stronghold for them.

For some reason, I didn't feel like going back to the train, I just had a feeling something unexpected was going to happen. So instead of going back, I continued my journey on the roofs. As the sun was setting, I came across a loud area with men cheering and few shouts were coming along. I looked down and saw 2 men fighting and a crowd surrounding them. "Hmm..interesting.." I dropped down to where they were, giving a man with a top hat a fright. "Did you just drop down from there?" He pointed up with shock, I smiled at him getting closer to him. "What's this all about?" I pointed at the 2 men fighting. "Ah! This M'lady! Is the fight club! Want to join?" He said rather more excited than he should be. "Of course." I said pulling down my hood with a smirk on my face.

"Ah! M'lord! Coming for another match I see?" Said Robert. "You know I always do." I smirked at Robert, feeling kind of proud. "Unfortunately for you m'lord, someone else stole the show. She's amazing as you are!" Robert said excited. "Would that be my sister, Evie?" I asked curiously getting closer to the match ring. "No m'lord! Another woman, pretty amazing for a beautiful lady! I'd expect her to be courting with a rich duke by now!" Robert cheered as the unknown lady punched the man's face, causing him to knock out. Curiosity took over me, as I got closer it became clear to who it was. Robert was right, she is amazing. She knocked 2 men out and did some back flips to dodge away the men's punches. Once she turned, it became clear who it was. Anastasia. "What a woman..." I whispered to myself. I knew my feelings towards Anastasia was getting stronger, and I couldn't help it not one bit. Once she dodged a man's punch while turning around to knock out the man behind her, he grabbed her blouse from behind and teared it. The men around the arena started to cheer and whistle, with more excitement in their tone. A tiger tattoo appeared on her shoulder blade, the colours were slightly faded. Her body was coated with a hint of her sweat. With a smirk on her face, she kicked the man in the gut, taking his arm and twisting it, she kicked his face and knocked him out. Robert ran to the arena to raise her arm. "Gentlemen! We have a new champion!" Shouted Robert with excitement. While the men cheered loudly, I cheered along feeling proud.

Once I got out of the arena, I took back my assassins's cloak back from Robert and walked towards the exit. Suddenly, someone placed his hands on my shoulder catching my attention. "Well well well ms Anastasia. You surely did steal my show." Jacob smirked. "Jacob you scared me!" I said putting my hand on my chest. "What are you doing here?" I asked Jacob pleased to see him. "The question is, what are you doing here? I only came here to preform and let some steam off. I didn't expect you to be here." Jacob said still having his hand on my shoulder. "Well Jacob. I accidentally found this place, I never meant to steal your spot light, honest." I said pretending to be innocent. "Oh my. Well, it's alright love. You did an amazing job back there, I guess I have to beat you later on." Jacob laughed.


"So where were you actually born?" Jacob asked curiously as we walked the late foggy night of London. "Well, my mother was Spanish and as you know my father was British. I was born in Spain, but then we moved to France. 3 years later, we moved to oh so wonderful...London." I told Jacob giving him an interesting background of my origin. "Your mother? Spanish? The oh so famous Spanish assassin? Alisa Delgadro?" Jacob asked in curiosity. "Yes, our parents worked together." I said filling in more details. "You have been to many places haven't you?" He asked. "Well, when you're with Sam, that's how it goes. He never settles in one place." I said sighing. "He's the only family I have...that's why we're always together. We do fight of course, he calls me reckless and the destroyer but...the only family I have." I smiled weakly to Jacob.
Jacob looked down to Anastasia knowing exactly how she felt, Jacob and Evie don't always agree on many things but they still loved one another. Jacob wrapped his arm around Anastasia's smaller frame. "Well! Now you have Jacob on the list." Jacob smiled and winked, giving me chills running down my spine.

Jacob and I sat on a bench facing the river, it got quiet since midnight was upon us. We spent the night talking and laughing not caring how loud we were. After things got quiet, there was a small smile on both of our faces. "You aren't like any other women I've met." Jacob leaned closer to my body. "Well I'm sorry that I'm not what you expected to be." I laughed lightly slapping his arm. "You're much better than I expected..." Jacob whispered. I gazed into his hazel eyes, while he stared me down. "Jacob..." I said rather nervous of asking the question I wanted to ask for awhile. "The day we went to the ball... I was dancing with seemed mad, was everything alright?" I asked while Jacob's expression changed.
"W-well...let's just s-say...forget it alright?" Jacob's face turned a bright red. "Jacob you're blushing." I laughed finding it very amusing. "Please do tell." I asked ending my laughter that turned into giggles. "It's not important." His face got redder. "Oh the great Jacob Frye very much embarrassed? And shy? Could it be? A miracle?" I burst out laughing while Jacob slapped my arm gently. "Let me guess. You were jealous I stole mr Starrick away from you? How deeply sorry I am." I spoke in complete sarcasm. "More of how jealous I am of mr Starrick stealing you away for that dance." Jacob said looking away, catching my attention. "Jacob what's that supposed to mean...?" My laughter and giggles ended, and my heart started pounding. "Lets just go back to the train, shall we?" Jacob stood up grabbing my hand. "Please do tell." I begged for an answer. "No." Jacob said blankly. "I don't have a good feeling about going back to the train, Jacob." I stopped in my tracks making Jacob stop and look back. "What could ever go wrong in the train?" Jacob asked. "I don't know." I looked at his boots. "I'm certain everything is fine. Now, lets go." Jacob pulled me, forcing me to walk. "Alright..." I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not pleasant, at least for me...

Once we reached the train station, Jacob and I waited for our train to stop. The feeling of discomfort grew stronger, I couldn't shake it off. "Are you alright?" Jacob made me snap back into reality. "Umm..fine." I got closer by his side, for some reason he makes me feel safe, even though I'm a stone cold killer. "The train is here." Jacob said grabbing my hand as we jumped in together. It became a habit of Jacob to hold my hands whenever he wanted to, and personally I did not mind it one bit. Once we got in the train, my heart sank, seeing someone I did not want to really see again.
"Hello Anastasia.."

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