Evening stroll

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I woke up from a hard bang coming from the other cart. I opened my eyes to see Jacob no longer beside me, I grabbed my gown and rushed to the cart with the loud banging.

"What's going on?" Sam and Evie's backs were facing me, they looked like they were smashing an unknown item.

"Nothing dear cousin!" Sam let out a nervous laugh as he hurried to my side.

"Where's Jacob? He always sleeps in." I crossed my arm. "Jacob has something to do, he'll be back soon. He asked me to inform you that he will be coming soon, so wait for him." Evie said without turning around to face me.

Before I could say anything, Henry rushed in the cart, a serious face he had. "Evie, Anastasia. Abberline has informed me that there has been a murder. He wants you two now. He's waiting in Whitechapel." Henry informed us, getting both our attention.

"Lets do this then!" I said clapping my hands together.


Evie and I were looking at the murder scene. My heart clenched, as I remembered that this was the woman I chased the other night. "Oh my lord..." Evie whispered as she saw the distorted face of the woman.

"That's not all, the killer left a message." Abberline said. "Where is it?" Evie asked curiously.

Abberline flipped the naked woman, showing us her back. Evie and I both gasped at the brutal sight of the woman.

Well, one step closer to seeing you sister.

The message was engraved into her back, bloody and messy. "What could this ever mean..." Evie thought loudly.

"Abberline sir, we'll take care of it." I gave him a reassuring smile before he thanked us and left.

I pulled out a piece of paper and handed it over to Evie. She took it with a confused look on her face, as she opened the paper, she became more confused.

"See you soon, sister...?" Evie read aloud, making the connection between the dead woman and the paper.

"Whoever this is, they're trying to get me Evie." I said still eyeing the dead woman.

"Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this Anastasia. You are a marvelous assassin, nothing will harm you."


Jacob and I were at the park, hand in hand, walking closely to each other, my head was on his shoulders.

"Beautiful." Jacob said taking in a deep breathe in, a cheeky smile on his face.

"It surely is. I wish the view could be like this always." My grip on Jacob's arm got tighter, as I took a deep breathe in and smiled.

"Im talking about you dummy." Jacob said in an offended tone, he squeezed my nose and laughed.

Jacob and I sat on the bench beside each other, but Jacob decided for me to sit on his lap. I placed my head on his shoulder and looked up at him. I smiled to myself, knowing that I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

"Like what you see, my dear?" Jacob's smirk is once again, on his face. "Of course mr Frye, how could I not." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and placed my head on Jacob's chest, hearing his heart beat rapidly.

"Jacob-" As I was about to ask him what's wrong, something caught both our attention. As we looked into the distance, we saw blighters and templars attacking a woman, an assassin woman.

"Lets go and find out what the noise is all about, shall we?" I was pleased that I had something to do, but Jacob didn't look as pleased. I wonder what's wrong with him, he was usually fired up when it came to these situations.

Jacob and I got closer to the scene, the woman was surely skillful. Only one thing really caught my attention. Some of her moves were like my father's, just like how he taught some of mine.

"Her moves..." Jacob said, more confused than I ever was. "I know Jacob.." I whispered to him.

The woman who was wearing a leather cloak with the creed symbol on her back, with long brown boots, a maroon corset, a silky red blouse and black pants was fighting the templars well on her own. I couldn't see her face, it was covered by her hood, but her hair was a long raven black, curled a little at the bottom, just like mine did.

"Who is this woman?" Jacob began to be irritated. "She resembles you a little!"

Before Jacob could say anything, I ran beside the unknown woman and started to fight the remaining templars by her side. Jacob decided to watch this time, just to be sure how accurate we were alike.

"I've never seen you before!" I raised my voice enough for her to hear me, as I shoved both my swords into a templars gut. No response came from her, except a satisfying smile grew on her face.

"New in London perhaps?" I asked, kicking the man's knee cap, making it shift from its place. Yet again, no response. As something in the corner of my eye caught my attention, I looked up to the roof to see Jacob fighting other 6 Templars.

"What trouble did you get yourself into, I wonder." I said slicing a man's throat. The woman fought off the last Templar.

Once she was done with her, she jumped on me, catching me off guard. She grabbed my wrists tightly, I still couldn't see her face, I only could see her devilish smile.

"Curiosity killed the cat, my dearest sister." The woman said with a maniacal laugh, my heart clenched. Could it be? This is the woman?

"How-" Before I could say anything, she sliced my arm with her blade and ran. I ignored the blood and the throbbing pain and chased her, leaving Jacob on his own.

"My dearest! You'll be seeing more of me!!" She laughed a terrifying laugh and threw a smoke bomb, I lost her after a minute. Later I realized, Jacob was trying to catch up.

Whoever this woman is, I feel a dark strong feeling, she'll be bringing terror upon London, and myself. 

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