The moment and the start of a war

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"No...I can't Anastasia." Jacob confessed. "Jacob come on why?" I pouted like a little baby in his grip. "Because I really hope you do have eyes for me." Jacob said in all seriousness, as he leaned closer to my face. "W-what...?" My voice barely coming out, my cheeks started to feel warm, my heart racing and the butterflies in my stomach started to flutter.

"You heard me quite clear, Anastasia." Jacob's hands traveled from my waist to my face, cupping my cheek with his left hand as his right hand was resting gently on my neck. His face came closer to mine, giving me a look of acceptance, and I clearly allowed him fully, he understood. Jacob came closer to my body, looking at my brown eyes with such intensity, his lips was only an inch anyway. Until he decided to break that small distance, his lips firstly brushed over mine, until he deepened the kiss. His kiss was soft and pure, everything in that kiss made my heart race, feeling my blood rushing through my body. His kiss was deep and all his feelings for me was present in that one kiss.

As we opened our eyes and pulled away for air, a big but gentle smile grew on Jacob's fave as his hands traveled back to my waist, as our bodies were still close together. "so what does this mean, Jacob?" I placed both hands on his shoulder and lay my forehead on his chest. "I want you, Anastasia. If you agree." He put his hand on my head and played with my hair. "Jacob. I only ever had my eyes for you. Of course I do want you." I looked up at him as he looked down on me, as he was fairly taller than I was. A smile grew wider on his face as excitement rushed to his body, he lifted me up and kissed me once more.

"Oh thank the heavens! I thought you would have eyes for Connor!" He said in relief putting me down. "No...never, Jacob." I looked down in discomfort of the idea of Connor. As we were going to kiss again, Sam has interrupted our little session. "Sorry to interrupt love birds, but we should all be meeting back at the train. Something urgent about mr Starrick." Sam said in a husky tone. "What has happened cousin?" I asked curious. "I'll explain in the train, we're only wasting time if we're just gonna stand here." Sam said rather angry. "As bossy as always.." Jacob rolled his eyes, we ran on top of the roofs one after another, till we hijacked a carriage and hurried to Whitechapel station.

As we entered the train, Evie was already with Connor looking frustrated. "What is going on?" Jacob asked rather curious. "Mr Starrick is killing innocent people to get to some more documents about the shroud of eden. He has more factories that children are working in...very terrible...its like a crime scene in there." Connor crossed his arms and was only looking at me not breaking eye contact. "We all need to split up. The blighters and templars are going across London, but we have to get to them before they reach the destination they want. Jacob...I think your rooks will need to help too." Evie said in discomfort, not liking the situation one bit. "Ah! only when your stuck you want my rooks!" Jacob said in a childish tone and a smirk on his face. I slapped his arm and gave him a discouraging look so he can stop being a little child. "Take my gang too, the rooks need as much help as they need, Sam you know where their place is." Sam nodded as he sharpened his blade.

"Alright! its time for us to work then." Henry said smacking his hands together. "Sam and Jacob, take care of the blighters and templars. Evie and I can go after the documents so Starrick's blighters don't get to it." Henry commanded us, as Sam took his bow and arrows and carried it on his back. "Its you and me then." Connor smirked and winked as I rolled my eyes. Jacob was eyeing Connor rather furious, as he knew exactly what was his plan, Connor looked at Jacob and smirked devilishly. Before I jumped off the train, Sam placed his hand on my shoulder making me look back at him. "Do be careful Anastasia, here...its a poisons dart, just in case." Worry and concern filled Sam's eyes, which is something I haven't seen in awhile. "I'll be alright. be careful too." I kissed his cheek and gave him a weak smile. "Lets get going Connor, London needs us." I said pulling up my hood and jumping off the train as he followed.

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