The Ghost Club

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Once Jacob and I arrived to the train, Sam was standing there arms crossed. "You must be Sam. I'm Jacob Frye." Sam shook Jacob's hand still eyeing me. "What?!" I asked getting nervous. "Where have you been? It's midnight Anastasia!" He scolded me. "Here we gooo againnn." I rolled my eyes and removed my cloak and carried it on my arm. "Anastasia Cobain! Where-" I cut Sam off, getting irritated. "Sam Cobain I'm not a baby!" As I was about to walk away, Jacob decided to step in. "Actually we faced a little trouble on our way here, bloody templars. Anastasia took care of it." Sam eyed Jacob and walked away to his cart. "Thank you, my hero." I said in relief. "Is he always like that?" Jacob asked. "No, only when he's agitated. Something probably happened to little lover boy." I said with a shrug. "Alright Jacob, I won't keep you up long. Today was fantastic, thank you again. I'm going off to bed now, goodnight." I walked away before he could say anything.


"Anastasia." I feel someone shaking my body. "Anastasia wake up." And again, someone continues to shake my body. "Sam I'll kill you!" I covered myself with the blanket hoping the shaking would stop. "Ahh you're worse than I am." Laughed Jacob. "Jacob what is it?" You said still under the blanket. "Its time to get up, we have a task to do." Jacob pulled the blanket and threw it on the floor. "10 more minutes." I yawned turning away, giving my back to Jacob. He jumped on my bed and started bouncing. "What are you doing! Jacob!" I finally got off the bed and landed on the floor. Jacob laughed in achievement. "I had to my dear, now get dressed." He pulled me up and went in the other cart waiting for me. I cursed Jacob in my head while getting dressed, and once I was done I went to the other cart where Jacob was laying on the sofa. "Where's Evie and Sam dear?" I said yawning and stretching my arms above my head. "They found a lead to the shroud of Eden. Come on now, we have things to do." Jacob got up and wore his cloak. I took the pillow and threw it in his face. "Never wake me up like that again." I crossed my arms while Jacob laughed. As I stepped out of the train with Jacob, there was no sun and it was still dusky outside. "Jacob, what time is it?" I asked him quite confused. "Half past the morning." He smirked. "Oh Jacob, what are we supposed to be doing in this hour!" I sighed. "You'll see. Now, we have to meet this lad that goes by the name of Charles Dickens. He says he has a few things for us." Jacob and I hijacked a carriage and we were off to our destination. As we drove off, my eyes started to feel heavy by the minute, I was falling asleep. Jacob took a sharp turn, and I opened my eyes widely and grabbed onto his arm. Jacob laughed loudly, and that showed me what his purpose was. "Oh Jacob you devil!" I slapped his arm. "Now now Anastasia, we have to be awake. There is no time for sleeping." He said mocking me.
Once we arrived our destination, Jacob and I got down from the carriage and went into Charles Dickens' store. "Ah, I've been waiting for both of you. Now tell me, the last time I met you I didn't get your name." The old looking man told Jacob. "Jacob Frye, my sister could not be here today...this is Anastasia Cobain." Jacob introduced, while I shook the man's hand and smiled politely. "Now, do you believe in ghosts?" Jacob looked at the man as if he was crazy. "Not particularly..." Jacob answered. "Yes." I smiled while Jacob looked at me smirking. "Alright then, There has been suspicions around this area, he targets the women. It is said that he's a red eyes. He blinded an 18 year old girl. Will you both join the ghost club?" The man said. "Of course!" I said quite excited. "Sounds pathetic. Why not." I slapped Jacob's arm. "Alright, off to your first case children." The man shooed us out.
As Jacob and I were looking for clues using our eagle vision, Jacob found a clue before I did. "I got you now." Jacob bend down investigating the clue. "What is it, Jacob?" I asked curiously getting closer. "He climbed over that house, come on lets go." He ran to the roof of the house and I followed. "Over there. Bloody templars." I pointed. I look beside me and Jacob was already ready to attack, he air assassinated one of the men which caught the attention of 6 more. I jumped down to help Jacob fight them. I dodged their every move and gutted them. "You could at least warn me you were ready to jump down." I said taking down one of the last man snapping his neck as if it was a twig. "My bad dear, now lets go. I found his hideout." Jacob climbed down in one of the pits and again, I followed, As if I was one of his rooks. 3 men were in the hiding spot. Jacob whistled for them to get closer to him. I went from behind the men and they spotted Jacob. "You made a big mistake comin' here lad!" One of the men shouted. "Really?" I said from behind them getting their attention. As the man in the middle turned around, I stabbed him in the throat and I punched the guy on his left, while Jacob was taking care of the guy on the right. Once we were done with them, smoke surrounded us, it caused Jacob to loose his balance. "Jacob! You alright?" I shouted. "Im alright." We heard loud laughters coming from above. It was him, the demonic murderer. He jumped down and came to me first. Women were always his number 1 target. I kicked him in the face and punched him in his gut, I took out my sword and sliced his forearm. Jacob attacked him from the back but he threw Jacob on a pile of wooden boxes. The demonic man took me off guard, he stabbed me in my thigh and flipped me on my back. I shouted from the pain. "Anastasia!" Jacob shouted running towards the demonic man. After a few punches that Jacob gave to the demonic man, he choked Jacob and lifted him off his feet, laughing madly. I took out my revolver and shot him in the head 3 times. That was it for this mad man. "Why thank you." Jacob said coming to me, he held my hand and pulled me up, when we started to walk, I couldn't press on my leg that he stabbed me in. I leaned on Jacob's side and took a sharp breath. "Are you alright?!" Jacob said worried, surely he didn't see what has happened. "He stabbed my thigh." I said leaning more on Jacob. "Let me see..." Jacob got on his knees and his hands were on my thigh, while he was checking the wound, I was blushing hard. "Its pretty gruesome my dear, we need to stitch it up." He looked up at me which only made me blush more. His hands left my thighs and went up to me waist. "Here let me help you, lean on me." I looked at Jacob and he was already smiling. Can he not see that I'm hurt? Why is he smiling? Could it be he likes me too? Nonsense...
"Hold on tight." He pressed my body closer to his, while I wrapped my arms around his neck and he climbed up the ladder. Once we were up at the top, there was an empty carriage. "Lucky you." Jacob smirked. We walked quite slow because of me, but Jacob decided to make it easier. "Here hold on to me." He carried me bridal style to the carriage. "Does it hurt?" He asked. "What a silly question." I rolled my eyes and he smiled at me, looking me in the eyes. "Hold on Anastasia, were almost there." He said more eager to reach the train.

Once we arrived the train station, he carried me bridal style and he ran and leaped into the train. Evie, Henry and Sam looked at us in shock. "What happened?!" The three asked. "Just a little accident." I said while Jacob laid me on the sofa. "Jacob! Why'd you bring her here! There is no doctor you fool!" Evie stated. "Actually I can take care of it, give me a moment." Sam hurried to get his medical kit and came back. "I'll need to cut your pants, is that alright?" Sam asked me while investigating my wound. "Go right ahead." I said. "I never knew you were educated in medicine, Sam." Henry asked curiously. "I learned back in France, after India Henry." Sam said focused. Sam applied alcohol on my wound, and I winced. I felt pressure in my hand, it was Jacob squeezing my hand. I never noticed it, we were holding hands all the way..

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