Don't Get Bitten

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He stared at him and then turned his gaze downward with a shy smile. Sam cleared his throat loudly, moving to the centre of the room “If you two are done, Dad said to meet them in the lobby in a half hour. We have a lot to get prepare too.”

“Yeah? Like what Sammy?” Dean asked moving his eyes to his brother.

Sam was standing beside his bag, emptying a bag. He then carried it over to where the knives were and carefully put them inside it. The knives were long and incredibly sharp. Dean could only assume that they were machetes. As he’d heard Dad say many times, nothing quite cut through skin and bone like it!

The thought was a little sickening, but Dean had gotten used to it. His dad tended not to sensor himself around the boys. Much to his mother’s horror; she tried to keep them as shielded from this life as much as she could. Right now however, it wasn’t working out so well. Dean couldn’t help but frown a little thinking about it. All her hard work was pointless now. They were a part of it now.

“Why can’t we just use the plastic bag?” Dean asked sitting down on the bed and leaning back, stretching his arms out behind him.

Sam shrugged “Less suspicious, plus they can’t be seen through the bag. It looks like I’m just carrying a duffle bag with laundry or something like that.”

Dean gave Sam a wide eyed expression “Sam? Did Dad tell you to do that?”

His brother hesitated and then looked up at Dean with a grin “Yes, he said this how mom and he pass for normal.”

Dean didn’t believe his brother for a second. He could tell that Sam was hiding something; however he had more pressing issues to worry about. They were about to attack a vampire nest. They all needed to be sharp and alert. Cast out any thoughts of doubt or petty worries. They could be dealt with after they succeeded.

He took the bag from Sam once it was all packed. It was heavy, and so Dean huffed in surprise as he shouldered it. Sam gave him a raised eyebrow look but shrugged and then beckoned them to follow him.

They left the room and entered the lobby where John, Mary and Don were already waiting for them. He saw his mom grimace as the three of them walked down the hall. Probably because they looked like hunters; or what a hunter that was undercover looked like.

John however looked proud. Scared and angry, but proud.

It made Dean wonder why he had to go to these lengths to see that look. To see and know that his dad wasn’t disappointed in him; that he actually meant something to him. Shaking those thoughts off he stood up tall and waited for further instructions.

With a nod, John led them out of the motel and to the cars. “Dean, take your brother and Castiel in the Impala. Trail close behind us. We’ll lead you to where you need to go.”

Dean nodded and motioned for everyone to get in. He sat in the front seat and waited for his dad to pull out first. As they left the parking lot, he revved the engine and followed suit. They drove down the road, out of the main part of town. They came to the residential district and soon left the nicely painted and well maintained houses behind. Soon there was nothing but fields on each side, lining the roads and making Dean wonder if the nest was even in the same town. Eventually a rundown house appeared on the right side of the road.

It had a haunted house look and the yard was full of weeds. A small pathway led up to the front wooden porch where the door was crooked in its framing. All the windows were boarded up and parts of the roof had caved in.

For a vampire nest, Dean figured it got just a little too much sunlight.

“This can’t be the place.” Dean commented turning off the engine and seating back in his seat. He stared up at the house and shook his head “No way would the vamps would live in this dump.”

A Normal LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz