They stayed like that for ages. Too scared to let go.

Kylo finally pulled away. He said her name.


She grabbed his face and kissed him. She'd been craving his kiss. She wanted him. She wanted him to engulf her. His lips pressed against hers. He held her face in his hands. Carefully. They were both hungry for something more heated but they both pulled away.

Kylo still held her face.

"Luna, are you alright? Did they hurt you? Because if they did I swear-"

"They didn't hurt me. I'm alright. I'm better now that you're here."

Kylo smiled. Thankful. He was so happy. They both were.

"How did you escape?"

"I didn't escape, they let me go."

"They did?"


Kylo was confused, but he didn't care.

He had his Luna back.

"What happened to you?"

Luna sighed and sat on the bed.

"I was taken for information. But I didn't have any. But you'll never guess who I saw."

Kylo sat down next to her and held her hand.



"You reunited with Pollux?"

"Yes, but he isn't called that anymore. His name is Poe."

Poe Dameron. He'd met him. The best pilot in the Resistance. He's tortured him to get the location of the BB unit. He winced at the thought.

"Wow." was all he said.

"I know, crazy huh?"


They stayed silent. Luna rested her head on his arm.

"I should probably tell you something."


"About my past."

Kylo looked at her. The past was always a sensitive topic - for both of them.

"Why do you want to tell me?"

"Why should I keep it from you?"

She loved him, so he deserved to know about her past. About how she got here.

Kylo looked at her. This was a pretty big thing. And he admired her for being ready to be so open because he couldn't be open yet. He held too much darkness and he wasn't ready to unleash it. He smiled and nodded for her to begin.

She smiled and sighed, lacing her fingers with his.

"As you know I grew up on Naboo. I lived close to Theed but on the outskirts of town. In the country in a small village. I grew up with my mother – I never knew my father, he died before I was born, but Mother would always tell me stories about him. I grew up with Pollux, we did everything together. Climbed trees, picked fruit – anything really. But everything changed with the war hit. The freedom we once had was taken from the First Order when they took over our government. Things got tougher. Everyone tried to stay out of trouble by focusing on one thing, Pollux turned to machinery and ships and I turned to painting – even though I was really bad at it. That was when Pollux left. After I turned 16. And that really hit me. He was my best friend, someone who I could count on and go to whenever I needed – which was often in that time – and suddenly he wasn't there anymore. I coped as best as I could but my mother became ill. I cared for her but she eventually died. And I had nothing. It was the darkest time of my life."

Luna stopped to wipe some tears that had fallen from her cheeks. Kylo squeezed her hand. This was hard for her. She hadn't ever talked about her mother before. But she continued on.

"After crying for what seemed like weeks, I told myself I had to get it together and start providing for myself. So I started doing labour work. I built buildings and houses and worked with burly old men."

"A labourer?" Kylo asked.

"Yes. I know, strange right?"

"I can't imagine"

"Well I was. Not for long, maybe a year, year and a half? But I did a lot in that time. I had to move away from my village but I earned a lot of money. I hated it, I hated the men who would leer at me and the discrimination despite the fact that I was really good at it."

Kylo became angry at the thought of Luna suffering through such work and disgusting men. But he took a deep breath and continued to listen.

"Eventually I had enough. So I stopped, moved back to my small village and tried to live. I met a guy, Ander. We married and we tried for children, being unsuccessful. But we were happy. It all came to an end when the Firster Order invaded our village. Ander tried to protect me, but was shot and killed by the troopers."

Kylo looked at her but said nothing. He hated that the First Order took away the small amount of happiness she had after everything she had gone through.

"The troopers found me, and I was taken. I was told I would be a nurse of the First Order. I was going to fight but I had lost everything. My best friend. My mother. My husband. I thought that maybe this would be the new beginning that I needed. So here I am. And I don't regret coming here."

Kylo was silent. It was a lot to take in.

"Have you told anyone all this other than me?"

"No, it's just easier. My past is painful and I don't like to go back and revisit it. I wanted to start fresh. To start fresh with you. To start fresh with the people here. I understand if you're mad, but I love you and you deserved to know."

Kylo's head shot up. Luna's eyes widened. She wasn't supposed to tell him that yet.

"You love me?"

Luna blushed and nodded.

Kylo grabbed her face and kissed her. Hard. No one had told him that. Not since he was younger. She loved him. Him. Of all people. Someone who killed people. And tortured. Who was mean and cruel. She loved him. And he loved her. Nothing she said could change that. He didn't think he could love anyone. She was amazing. Going through what she did and being the person she is now. She was so soft yet her past so rough. He admired her. He loved her. They pulled away.

"I love you, too"

"You do?"

"Yes, I love you, so much."

Luna smiled and kissed his lips again quickly. Kylo smiled. He moved to give her face small kisses, peppering her cheeks, her forehead, and her nose with his lips. And in between each kiss he told her he loved her. Loving the way it sounded. She giggled and laughed.

They were so happy.

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