Fallon tapped Seth on the shoulder, and he turned to face her. “What do you think is wrong with her this year?”

            Seth laughed. “What makes you think I care?”

            “I don’t care either; just curious.”

            “Not me. Whatever it is, I think it’s great.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “Haven’t you noticed how quiet the God Squad’s been this year?”

            Other than the run in with Christian on the first day of school, she hadn’t heard a peep from the God Squad. Maybe Seth was right. Maybe they shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, or maybe this was the calm before the storm.

            At lunch time, their group gathered in the hallway outside Fallon’s English class to decide where they’d go for lunch. For the last two years, they’d spent their lunch hour eating the crappy school food while huddled around their favorite picnic tables. Now that they were seniors, they’d developed a new routine that Fallon realized she’d have to be careful with. Too much fast food and she’d be back to looking like Tarilyn. As soon as the thought came to her, guilt bubbled up in her throat.

            “Hey, Fallon, check that out,” Seth said and nodded to the end of the hall.

            There, Angelica and Wendy stood engrossed in conversation. It was the first time all year she’d seen Wendy. Unlike years past, she’d been fortunate enough to avoid having any classes with Wendy this year. If she didn’t know better, she would’ve thought Christian’s most faithful followers were arguing.

            Interesting, Fallon thought.

            Wendy narrowed her eyes when she spotted them heading their way. In return, Fallon couldn’t resist offering her a smile.

            “Hey, Wendy, what’s up?” Lucian asked.

            “Heaven, the place you’ll never get to see,” Wendy retorted, and everyone but her and Angelica cracked up.

            “Good one,” Griffin said.

            Wendy glanced over at Tarilyn. “I wouldn’t hang out with these guys if I was you.”

            Griffin laughed again as he clapped his hand over his heart. “Ah, Wendy, that hurts me right here.”

            “We both know you don’t have a heart,” Wendy said.

            “As fun as this is, we need to get going,” Lucian announced and looked over at Angelica. “You know, maybe you’re praying to the wrong person.”

            Angelica’s eyes widened and then she hardened her expression. “Go to hell, Lucian.”       

            When she turned and stalked off, Wendy went after her. Free of their brief distraction, their group carried on with their lunch plans. Fallon made sure to let Tarilyn and Ava walk ahead of them before she asked the question that had been on her mind for the last two weeks.                

            “What do you think the deal is with Angelica?”

            “I don’t know all the details, but I get the feeling there’s something she really wants and Christian’s dad won’t give it to her,” Lucian answered.

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