Chapter Sixteen.

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All of a sudden, one of the walls were destroyed by some sort of explosion.

"What the hell?" The man asked. They saw a figure walking through the smoke caused by the explosion. Once the smoke evaporated, Hakuoh was shown.

"Hakuoh!" Sting shouted.

"Knock, knock." Hakuoh said.

Chapter Fifteen: The Imagination Dragon Slayer's True Power.

"I know you!" The man exclaimed. Hakuoh stopped walking and looked at him. "You're the imagination dragon slayer! Hakuoh Kagari!" The man exclaimed.

"Hm." Hakuoh simply said.

"How did you get past all the demons outside?!" The man exclaimed.

"The guild is taking the rest." Hakuoh stated.

"Don't you know how to show emotion or something? You seem really dull." The man said with a sweat drop. Hakuoh had a vein pop out. She put her hand out. "Huh?"

"Secret Technique: Fire Star Dance." Hakuoh said. After a few minutes, nothing happened.

"Urm..." The boys said.

"What are you trying to summon?" Sting asked. Hakuoh pointed upwards. Everyone looked up and suddenly, fire stars fell near the man. The man dodged them by rolling to a wall. He looked at the fire stars again and saw they were going towards him. Just as it hit the ground, the man dodged them once again. He looked where he was once sat and saw the fire stars going towards him again.

"What is this?" He asked with wide eyes.

"Dodge as many as you like. I can imagine the fire star dance hitting you. They'll come after you until you're hit." Hakuoh explained.

"Whatever you imagine happens?" The man asked.

"Mhm." Hakuoh nodded.

"So can you imagine me hitting you?" The man asked.

"I can. That is why I'm preventing you from hitting me by attacking you first." Hakuoh stated. She put her hands in front of her. "This bores me. Time to speed it up." She said.

"It does?" Rogue asked.

"We can't tell since you have the same facial expression for everything." Sting stated with a blank face. Hakuoh had a vein pop out.

"I do not!" She exclaimed. Suddenly holograms of Emiko and Etsuko appeared in front of her.

"Flame dragon roar!" Etsuko shouted.

"Spirit dragon roar!" Emiko shouted. Hakuoh clapped her hands together and the two dragon roar collided as the holograms disappeared. The two dragon roars began to spin around each other. The man's eyes went wide as the attack hit him.

"Ah!" He yelled out. The man was laying on the floor, trying to get up. Sting and Rogues eyes were wide as they looked at Hakuoh. The man looked at Hakuoh, breathing heavily. He shakily put his hand out. "Akuma Shadow Slice." He said. A wave of darkness in the form of a blade was about to slice Hakuoh, but just before it could, magic vines appeared in front of her. Everyone looked and saw Hana.

"Thanks." Hakuoh said. Hana nodded. The man stood up, holding his stomach. He wiped some blood off his chin as he looked at Hana, who walked to Hakuoh.

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