Chapter Three: The First Round Begins.

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"Second, entering the Grand Magic Games for the first time, the Phoenix Guild!" Chapati Lola announced. The Phoenix Guild came out with Daisuke leading, followed by Yukichi and Etsuko, followed by Naomi and Emiko. "Leading the team is Daisuke Akio, one of the strongest mages in the Phoenix Guild. He has the magic of Requip and from what I've heard, he has a secret power that no one knows of." Chapati explained. "Following him is the Flame dragon slayer of the Phoenix Guild, Etsuko Flame. Next to her is Yukichi Akuma of the Akuma Clan. She is an ice demon and is equally as strong as Etsuko Flame." Chapati said, which coursed Etsuko and Yukichi to have veins pop out at the last statement. "Following them is the celestial mage of the guild and a spirit dragon slayer, Emiko Seishin. Standing with her is Naomi Aine, the younger sister to the beautiful mage, Kiyomi Aine. We are not sure what power Naomi holds, but look forward to seeing it." Chapati explained.

"If they're second, who's first?" Erza asked.

"And 1st is-! I don't believe it. Phoenix Guild B Team?!"

"What?!" The others exclaimed. Kaisai, Kiyomi, Jinsune, Akihito and Yuuji walked out. Jinsune was leading them with a big grin. Following was Kiyomi and Yuuji, who was smiling. Kaisai was grinning while waving and Akihito was just... Emotionless. "Wow! What an unexpected turn out of events! Jinsune, a strong mage is leading them. The beautiful Kiyomi Aine, who possesses takeover magic, is following with Yuuji Haku, a mage who can change the size of his opponent and possesses the five elements as magic! Following them is Kaisai Akuma of the Akuma Clan, who is a fire demon. With her is Akihito Hisoka, a mage of many talents!" Chapati explained.

Chapter Three: The First Round Begins.

"W-what are you five doing in the Games?!" Naomi exclaimed, shaking.

"It was Master's idea." Kiyomi smiled.

"What about Hakuoh?" Erza asked.

"She's our reserve." Kaisai smiled.

"Yeah, the cheerful demon was supposed to be the reserve." Akihito sighed. He had changed since the other guilds last saw him, well, his outfit has. He now wore a white shirt with long sleeves, which were rolled up to his elbows, black trousers and black shoes. He also wore a black waist coat and he had gained a scar over his eyebrow.

"Hey! I bet you're glad I'm here really!" Kaisai said.

"Not really." Akihito said.

"You're mean!" Kaisai cried.

"And you're too loud." Akihito said.

"You've been studying under Haku too long." Kaisai pouted.

"Well this year won't certainly be boring." Lyon said.

"Agreed. The Phoenix Guild... I've always wanted to fight the boy known as Daisuke Akio." Jura said.


"We just simply read the rules." Kino said with a snicker as she glanced at Hakuoh, who had fallen asleep.

"It says we are allowed to have two teams in the Games." Hakuoh said as she read through a large book. Kino's eyes went wide. She then had a light in her eye as she grinned.

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