Part 3

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The curfew proved to be annoying. It meant it was even harder for us to be out in public since we would stand out even more in the complete absence of people. It didn’t stop me from sneaking out again though. I spent the entire night on the roof opposite the hospital monitoring Jamie’s situation. I hated that I couldn’t speak to him but I didn’t want to risk calling in case they were monitoring his phone. He was already on unsteady ground, the slightest thing to add suspicion and he could be in big trouble.

I suspected that it wouldn’t be too long until he was discharged. It seemed that they released patients as soon as they were able to move around and look after themselves a little and from what I could tell he was progressing rapidly.

In the early hours of the morning I waited until no one was around and snuck into his room, climbing up the outside of the building. He jolted upright as I slid the window open, sucking in a sharp breath due to the pain of the quick movement.

“shh it’s just me.” I whispered, not wanting him to alarm him in the darkness.

The relief was evident in his voice, “Jade, for a moment I thought it was one of them.” He gestured to his body “I can’t exactly put up much of a fight at the moment.”

I was across the room in a flash, my hands quickly finding his. “I missed you.” I admitted softly.

His expression relaxed as he carefully pulled me closer to him; “I missed you too.”

“How are you?” I asked, my eyes scanning his body for any damage that I may have missed.

“I’m fine; I think they’ll release me soon.”

“That’s why I’m here. We need to work out how you’re going to get out.”

“I can sign myself out in the morning. They can’t make me stay.”

I considered it for a moment. “Ok, well once you’re out I’ll get a car and pick you up. You can’t walk far in your condition.”

He wrinkled his nose in irritation, “I hate to admit that you’re probably right.” He stroked my cheek, “have you been speaking to Beatrice?”

The question caught me off guard and I frowned, “No, I… I think I’ve been avoiding the situation.” He knew me too well.

“You should talk to her; you have a lot of stuff to resolve.”

I sighed, “I know… It’s hard to know where to start. I’ll make sure I do when you are safe.”

I knew he could see the resolution in my eyes because he nodded in acceptance. “ok.”

It occurred to me that he didn’t know of the more urgent situation. “You don’t know,” I said, “David and Julia have been captured. I don’t know where they are.”

He swore quietly, “We need to find them.”

I appreciated his support, especially considering he didn’t particularly like David. “I know, I’m working on it.” I could hear footsteps coming along the corridor. One of the nurses was coming. “I have to go.” I said urgently, but I’ll wait around. If you leave I’ll pick you up.”

“Ok, I love you” he whispered quickly, hearing the footsteps himself now they were nearer.

“Love you too.” I breathed as I threw myself out of the window, grabbing the wall outside and quickly sliding it shut before the woman entered the room.

Before I began my wait I snuck into another section of the hospital and took some more of their blood supply. I felt bad since it could be needed for patients but it was better than the alternative. I was only seen by one attendant whose memory of me I quickly wiped.

Once outside again I made my way around the building and entered the hospital car park. Sliding under a car I lay flat on the ground and hoped the owner wouldn’t return before I left. I couldn’t wait on the roof when the sun came up, I would be too visible.

It was early afternoon by the time he finally got out. He tried to leave in the morning but they said if he waited until later the doctor could sign his documents. I knew he was aware that it was better not to make a fuss or draw attention so he had reluctantly agreed.

No one was in the immediate area, so I rolled out from under the car and stood up. Looking around I selected a nondescript looking silver car. It would blend in easily with the traffic and no one would give it a second glance. Perfect. I broke in as inconspicuously as possible and hotwired the engine. As Jamie walked away from the building I pulled up beside him.

As soon as he was seated I pulled away immediately, not wanting to give anyone the opportunity to look in the car. Since it was still fairly light out we drove around for a while. It served the double purpose of losing anyone who may be following us, as well as waiting for the sun to set. As it was winter it didn’t take long for the cover of darkness to sink in. Caught between wanting to leave the car far away so that it wasn’t linked to us and not wanting Jamie to have to walk anywhere, I ended up parking a few streets away.

It was unfortunate that he didn’t possess a vampire’s level of stealth, but there wasn’t much I could do to hide the two of us sneaking around the house and climbing into the window. I just hoped it was dark enough to cloak us and that no neighbours were looking out of their windows at that particular time.

As we entered the living room it was obvious that Beatrice and Felix had been awaiting our arrival. Her expression was thunderous whereas his was merely curious.

Standing up from her armchair she advanced towards us, her attention purely focused on me; “Where have you been? You’ve been gone all night and day!”

“I was waiting for Jamie to be released from hospital.” I said calmly, not letting her anger affect me.

“We thought you’d been taken! We were making a plan to find you!” her voice was rising in pitch and tone but I wasn’t sure how to respond. “How could you just disappear like that without so much as a note? It would have taken an instant to just let us know where you were going!”

Something ugly within me rose to the surface as she stopped less than a foot away from me. “Like it would have taken you an instant to inform me that you were alive any time in the last four centuries!” the second the retort hissed from my mouth I regretted it. It was totally uncalled for and I knew it. I knew she had her reasons for not telling me, and I watched as the hurt flashed through her gaze for a split second before it was replaced by fury.

Her hands snapped out in front of her and before I was completely aware of the situation she had launched me across the room. I flew backwards into the china cabinet and slid to the floor amongst falling plates and dishes. Shaking debris out of my hair I slowly got to me feet, staring at her warily. I didn’t retaliate because I knew that on some level I had deserved it.

“You are one to talk!” she snapped. “Disappearing off into the sunset without a word, after that bloody dead husband of yours!”

Pushing back the pain brought on by her mention of William I swallowed my pride the best I could. We had talked this over once before, I didn’t want to do it again. “I know, I’m sorry.”

My apology seemed to derail her anger a little, “I wandered if you’d done it again.” She admitted quietly, “with this one.” Jamie glanced at me when she gestured towards him but I couldn’t read his expression. When I looked back at her she was turning and leaving the room. I heard the quiet creak of the stairs as she ran up them and shut a bedroom door.

Felix let himself drop onto the sofa and raised an eyebrow. “Nice one, you did well there.”

“Shut up.” I muttered. Jamie hadn’t said a word but when I glanced back at him he was looking pale. “You’ve been standing up for too long, you need to sit down. Felix move.”

He scowled at me but he did get up and walk into the kitchen. Jamie carefully lowered himself down and put his feet up. Looking up at me he smiled sympathetically, “You should go talk to her.”

I sighed, “Yeah, I know.” 

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