Part 25

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We took advantage of David's semi lucidness to get him out of the trailer and into Beatrice's car, which was parked a little way away on a side road. Despite his leap forwards I did not want to trust him anywhere near a human for the time being. It would be safer for him to be at Beatrice's property.

Whilst Felix and Chris secured him in the backseat, Beatrice ran to get more blood. I took advantage of the time to say goodbye to Jamie. I didn't intend on being gone long, but it would be the first time we were separated since our release. It made me feel slightly better that Chris was staying behind at the campsite with Anna. He insisted that it was too unsafe for her to be alone.

Back in our tent I took Jamie's hands. He leant down so that his forehead touched my own. I took a long breath, rememorizing his scent.

"I'll be back soon." I murmured, "I am sorry I have to go."

He brushed his thumb across my cheekbone, "It's something you need to do... and as much as I hate to admit it, my presence will just make him worse."

I sighed, "I know... just be safe whilst I'm gone, please."

That drew a small laugh from him, "I'm not the one who always gets themselves into life threatening situations you know."

"It's a talent." I grinned.

"Even so," he said, "Please try not to do it when I'm not around."

I wrapped my arms around him, feeling his warmth. "I'll try."

"Good," he returned the hug and placed a kiss on my forehead, "I'll try too."

After I left I met Beatrice at the car. She was about to get in. Felix already sat next to David in the back, Chris stood outside, guarding the door. "Wait." I said, a suspicion gathering in my mind.

Walking around the car, I slipped my fingers under each of the metal ridges above the wheels. When I got to the back I felt a small metal box. Pulling it out I held it up for the others to see.

Beatrice swore under her breath, "a tracker?"

"But who?" I whispered, "Government?"

"Highly likely" Beatrice hissed angrily.

"Isn't that illegal?" Chris said.

"Only if you have human rights." I replied, my face twisting into a sneer. It seemed we weren't quite as free as we thought. I sent a warning thought to Jamie to make him aware. His outrage came through a second later. I was about to crush the device with a twist of my fingers but Beatrice stopped me.

"Wait, I have an idea." She said.

I watched as she pulled out her phone and took a picture. She then took the device from me and walked to the next car along.

"I'll send the picture to our attorney so that he is aware," she said, attaching the tracker to the other car, "but in the meantime we can confuse them a little bit."

"Is that safe?" Chris asked.

Beatrice shrugged, "I doubt that it will do any harm, there is no scent of vampire on this car; they will have no reason to harm whoever it is."

"Hopefully it will take them a while to figure out anyway." I added. It was a good plan; I didn't want anyone to know anything else about us.

Once Beatrice and I got in the car Chris waved goodbye before turning and heading back to the campsite. I hadn't had a chance to speak to Anna yet, but I had heard she had been busy helping with the organisation of food and supplies.

Beatrice put the car in gear and pulled onto the road. It was now very dark but she didn't put the headlights on. I heard no other cars in the vicinity and it would make it harder for any prying eyes to see where we were going. Turning around in my seat I looked at David.

"How are you doing?" I asked him.

He shook his head slowly. "I can't remember much at the moment... but there are bits and pieces..." he shuddered visibly.

"More will probably come back to you." I told him, although I wasn't actually sure having never seen a vampire go through something quite so horrific for such a long time.

He met my eyes, "Where is Julia?"

I swallowed and I knew he would be able to read the sadness in my gaze. "You told me that she died... when they came to take you."

His gaze turned distant as I watched, suddenly his face crumpled and he put his head in his hands. "I remember." His voice was a little muffled, "I remember they came. They shot her with something big.... we were taken off guard-" he broke off into a sob.

Felix looked a little uncomfortable, providing sympathy was not something he was good at. I was pretty sure he was only with us because there is safety in numbers. I reached through and gripped David's shoulder for a moment.

"I'm sorry,"

He shook his head silently, head still in his hands. I sat back in my seat, leaving him to his grief.

Driving quickly, Beatrice managed to reduce the forty five minute journey to thirty. We sped through dark countryside, trees and fields zooming past. Eventually we reached a side road which ended at a metal gate.

"We're here." She said. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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