Part 14

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Jade POV

Blood, pain, anger, bloodlust. Everything was mixed together. The new human smelt better than the doctor, but I still wanted her first. She was the one responsible for this torment. But Jamie... Jamie was here somewhere in all of this. Where? He wasn't in the room I remembered, he was somehow in my head.

"I'm still here"

I reached out to him, feeling his comforting presence. I was immensely grateful for him helping me to keep my sanity. "We need to find a way out of here, quickly." I thought. I felt his agreement but also his indecision about what to do. He had no more idea than me about how to escape.

I began running through options in my head, whilst also sharing with him what I had learned about the place so far. He was interested to find out about the outside protest.

"Perhaps we could use it to our advantage somehow." He thought.

Suddenly I felt him waver slightly, "Jamie?" I questioned with alarm.

I felt his confusion but he answered anyway, "I don't know what happened."

Until now, are connection had been growing stronger as our minds got more used to the contact, now it felt almost as if he was being dragged back somehow. Suddenly I realised what was happening. "Jamie you are exhausted. This is costing you more than you realise."

"No, I'm ok."

"You need to rest. You need to go now, but we will do this again soon. We'll work something out."

I felt his reluctance but he knew I was right. "Ok... I love you."

The pureness I felt behind the statement almost made me choke up, but I kept my face blank for the people around me. "I love you too." I thought softly, before ending the contact.

After the precious few minutes of respite and the blood infusion, I felt slightly clearer. I focused on the doctor and her assistant, who appeared to be working on something on the other side of the room. Some scientific machine bleeped and stopped spinning whatever was inside it. Dr White went over to a computer screen to look at some kind of results. She frowned a little triumphantly.

"It worked." She said to the assistant.

He went over to peer at the screen, "They are related?"

"Not in any normal way." She sneered and looked at me. "This one is the parent; the other two are her offspring as it were. She is the one that created those monsters."

I noted she said those. I tilted my head up as far as the restraint would allow. "Julia is alive?" I couldn't keep to hope and desperation out of my voice.

"No. She is dead." The doctor said coldly. "We collected samples."

I let my head fall back, suddenly feeling the weight of her loss crush me again. "You people are the real monsters." I whispered to myself. Lying there limply, I felt real hopelessness set in as I waited for them to begin the next round of horrors.

Several hours later I was drugged again and taken back to the original room, where they fixed me back up in the manacles. David watched me silently when I awoke, his eyes calculating. They had rinsed me down before putting the overalls back on me at some point when I was unconscious. My blood now slowly seeped into them from the numerous wounds that were still trying to heal. There was too much for my body to manage quickly. I was fully aware that I probably looked hideous.

"I am going to kill that woman." I stated flatly. I didn't care about the consequences, it would be done somehow.

David raised his eyebrows, "You are surprisingly lucid. I thought you'd be screaming and raving. I know I was."

I wasn't in the mood for his games. "I must have a better grip on reality than you then."

He hissed at me but I ignored him, contemplating other things. I fiercely hoped that Jamie was unharmed. He had sounded reasonably ok when I felt his mind, but I wouldn't be satisfied until I could hold him physically in my arms and make sure. I knew that it had been a long time now since the last contact, I was on that table for hours and I was unconscious for hours. Hopefully he would be recovered enough to try again. I tried repeatedly to reach out to him, but with the amount of silver in my system I couldn't keep a steady grip on my mind as it stretched out, making me lose focus every time I tried. I would have to wait for him to try again, if he could.

My mind turned to events outside of the facility. In the grand scheme of things I hadn't been apprehended that long ago, but already outside events seemed almost distant and unreal. I thought of my sister, Beatrice. So recently reunited we had spent so little time together. In life we had been inseparable, best friends. Sure we argued on occasion, but that was often because we were just too alike. Now, that similarity was magnified. Physically, our bodies would be frozen at roughly the same age. I longed to know everything that had happened to her in the centuries that we had been apart. I wondered how much was left of the sweet but confident younger sister I had once known.

There were also my other friends. What had happened to them? I had not seen Chris after he had left with Anna. Although I had only known them both a matter of months, I still felt tied to them somehow. Chris was one of my remaining links to Julia. I had never pried into what the story was between them, although I could see that there was no romance involved. They had both seemed to respect one another and work together well. Anna seemed to get on surprisingly well with Chris too I reflected, despite the fact that he was newer at controlling himself than the rest of us, and she was shy and so very human.

Where were all these people now? Where they hiding someplace safe? Or were they out there, fighting somehow to fix this situation. I couldn't image any of them wanting to hide for long, but I also couldn't imagine what they could do to help. I knew from watching repeatedly over decades that if the government really wanted to do something they would do it. It didn't matter what the people said.

I wondered of Beatrice had followed my request and attempted to get some media coverage on our side. Perhaps it would be too late for me, but it might do something to help others in the future. I sighed, but that was not good enough. Regardless of what happened to me, Jamie had to get out. Jamie had to be safe, there was no question. 

ResentmentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora