New A/N (more stuff???)

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Hey guys!!! Holy crud dudes!! This is easily the most popular book I've ever posted, and it isn't even that great, but thank you so much!!! It's crazy watching the views climb, I didn't expect anyone to read this at all.
That being said, I've been thinking and I really wanna add on to this. I've got a story in mind, expanding on to the new location, introducing some new fictitious characters, and adding in some drama to make it good.
My writing really wasn't that good, I kinda just rolled with what I could and I feel like I've skimped on a lot of things, and looking at it I feel so lazy for the way it's put together. With the new chapters I'm hoping to give it a lot more detail and have things a lot more interesting, and this time I have a real and proper drive, this time I know I've got people to make happy. Instead of just my own love for and minor obsession with Mister Morgue, I now am aware of how many others who share that are here, and I can use that to drive me to make you a far better story.
He is a difficult person to write scenes for without straying from the personality he portrays, but I'm gonna try my best to really give you something worth reading this time, I promise.
Ok, so it's 5am, and I haven't slept, so I'm calling it a night, gonna go curl up with my cat and watch house showcases on Netflix and fall asleep ^~^ spread the word guys, new chapters on the way! How do you want em? New chapters as I finish them, or just a spam of them as soon as I finish? I'm leaving it up to you guys, comment or message or post at me how you prefer it, whichever has the most picks wins XD
Love you all!

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