Chapter 13: "Seeing a guy..."

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Morgue and I have been together for some time now.

We've been working together on stunts, giving us the title "The most dangerous couple in sideshow". We've been hanging out outside of work too. We stay the night at each others houses, and when we aren't, we are on the phone for hours at a time, even if no one is talking.

This morning I woke up with my phone on, and my head under the covers. I fell asleep on the phone again. I always feel bad when I do, but he never seems to mind. Sometimes I think he's going for it.

I clean myself up and put on something casual, I'm not going to work until later, I've got plans for today.

With a mouth full of cereal I call Todd.

"Hey T, I'm gonna be seeing a guy about something, so I won't be in till a bit later. Don't worry though, I'll be in on time for the set up before the first show. "


(Morgue's POV)

I'd shown up a few minutes earlier than normal today, hoping to catch Valerie. She was always in before me, so I figured maybe I'd have more time with her this way.

Assuming I had simply succeeded, I went back to where I kept my toys and I began setting up to practice with her when she arrived, after a little bragging.

On the way back, I heard Todd on the phone, but I ignored it because that was normal most days.

"Alright, that sounds fine.... Alright, see ya later." He says, and after he's hung up, he moves out into the room a little to talk to everyone.

"Hey guys, I just want to let you all know that Val is gonna be late today. She's seeing someone, and she seems even a little excited so it must be good, but she won't be in till probably when we are setting up for the first show."

My stomach sinks a little.

Seeing someone? Excited?

And why didn't she tell me??

I see Creature and Asia exchange a look, like they know what's up, and they both seem a little worried. Then they look at me, and when I see them start to move towards me I turn and head into the back.

I don't want to talk to anyone right now.

(Valerie's POV)

The whole building was a little intimidating as I stood out front.

I'd never done anything like this, so I couldn't help but be a little on the nervous side. That could in part be caused by the fact I didn't tell Morgue anything about this...

I thumbed the drawing in my pocket again, and took a deep breathe. Creature said this was a good place to go, and I trust him more than anyone on this matter.

"What can I do for you?" The guy at the table asked.

"I'm looking for Legz? My friend Creature sent me?" It was all I could do not to let my voice shake. Not only was I nervous, it was pretty cold in here, and I was in a tank top.

"He's in the back, go on ahead." I was waved back, and then the man went back to his doodles.

"Thank you." And with that I went back, holding the paper in my hand and not my pocket now.

Fine for just a moment (A Mister Morgue fanfic) [Freakshow]Where stories live. Discover now